Chile: Senate rejects regulation for conscientious objection


The Chilean Senate rejected draft regulations for conscientious objection which were included in a report of the Commission on Defence on military reform in early March. While the overall report was approved with 18:15 votes, the Senate voted out the CO regulation by a majority of 17:14. According to the proposed regulations, conscientious objection would have been recognised in principle for reasons of conscience based on religious, philosophical or ethical convictions. However, a CO application would only have been possible within 30 days after public call-up. Applicants were supposed to appear in front of a committee made up entirely of militaries, which would then have decided on the application. Conscientious objection would not have been recognised in times of war.

The proposed regulations did not meet international standards. The Chilean WRI sections MOC Ni Casco Ni Uniforme in Santiago and MOC Rompiendo Filas in Temuco were both opposed to the proposed regulations.

Source: Email Alvaro Boguen, 18 March 2005

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