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General news updates from WRI

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Conscientious objection news and updates

A round-up of news related to conscientious objection and conscription. Published in: English and Spanish.


Conscientious Objection Alerts (CO-Alerts)

Action emails for conscientious objectors, calling on authorities around the world to release imprisoned COs. Published as-and-when solidarity is needed!

Prisoners for Peace and Annual Appeal

Each year in October we use snail mail to post out a list of 'prisoners for peace' – a list of activists in prison around the world because of their refusal to participate in the states military, or because of their nonviolent activism to counter preparations for war. We invite people to send messages of solidarity to these individuals. The mailout also includes a letter from a member of our network, letting you know what they have been doing and appealing for financial support for WRI. If you would like to receive this, please provide us with your postal address below. We will never share it with anyone else.

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