WRI Affiliates

Anti-Kriegs-Museum Bruesseler Strasse 21, 13353 Berlin
Archiv Aktiv für gewaltfreie Bewegungen
Archiv Aktiv für gewaltfreie Bewegungen Normannenweg 17-21, 20537 Hamburg;
Bund für Soziale Verteidigung

Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, Schwarzer Weg 8, 32423 Minden
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner (DFG-VK)

DFG-VK, Federal Office, Hornbergstr. 100, 70188 Stuttgart

Graswurzelrevolution Breul 43, 48143 Münster
Institut für Friedensarbeit und Gewaltfreie Konfliktaustragung (IFGK)

IFGK, Hauptstr 35, 55491 Wahlenau/Hunsrueck
Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner/innen (IDK)

Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner/innen (IDK): Aktuelle IDK-Postanschrift für Briefe und Pakete bitte per E-Mail erfragen
War Resisters' League (WRL)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wehrdienstverweigerung und Gewaltfreiheit (Arge WDV)
Schottengasse 3a/1/59, 1010 Wien
Begegnungszentrum für Aktive Gewaltlosigkeit
St Wolfgangerstr 26, 4820 Bad Ischl (Pfandl)
Nash Dom / Our House: International Center for Civil Initiatives

“Our House” was founded in December 2002 as a self-published newspaper with the same name in Belarus. In 2010, the formerly small-format newsletter “Our House”, which told citizens about concrete examples of fighting for their rights, evolved into a real colorful full-size newspaper for free distribution to the mailboxes of residents of Belarusian cities – facing multiple arrests, detentions of circulation, arrests of activists with copies and fines.
Due to numerous violations of citizens’ rights, it was not possible to register as an organisation in Belarus. In 2014, “Our House” was registered in Lithuania and has since been presented as a non-profit organisation, International Centre for Civil Initiatives “Our House”
After the presidential election and protests in Belarus in 2020, and the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine in 2022, a huge number of people in Belarus and Lithuania were in need of humanitarian assistance. Thus, “Our House” has taken over the provision of this assistance. Paying fines and food to victims in Belarus, providing psychological support, finding jobs, and helping refugees in Lithuania with accommodation, food and clothing became the main activities of “Our House” today. Our House also continues to monitor human rights violations in cooperation with other organisations.
Džemala Bijedića 309, 71000 Sarajevo
Réseau des Défensurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale (REDHAC)

The mission of the Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Networks known by the French acronym REDHAC is to campaign and take concrete nonviolent actions in advocating for democracy and the respect of human rights in the countries of the Central African region.
Redhac, 17 Rue 1108 Bali, derrière Total Njo-Njo , 1e Villa Portail Marron. Douala, Cameroun
Centre de ressources sur la non-violence (CRNV)

Centre de ressources sur la non-violence (CRNV), 1945 rue Mullins, bureau 160, Montréal QC H3K 1N9
Grupo de Objeción de Conciencia - Ni Casco Ni Uniforme

Grupo de Objeción de Conciencia Ni Casco Ni Uniforme, Bremen 585, Ñuñoa, Santiago
Grupo de Objeción de Conciencia Rompiendo Filas
Grupo de Objeción de Conciencia Rompiendo Filas, Prat 289 Oficina 2-A, Temuco
Acción Colectiva de Objetores y Objetoras de Conciencia

ACOOC is a non-profit organization, which promotes the construction of alternatives to militarism, patriarchy and forced recruitment; through the promotion of nonviolence and the fundamental right to conscientious objection.
Cuerpo Consiente

Kolectivo Antimilitarista de Medellín

Kolectivo Antimilitarista de Medellín; Medellín – Antioquia, Colombia
La Tulpa

Organización localizada en la ciudad de Bogotá (sin sede)
Otra Escuela

Bogotá: Calle 39 #20 - 30
World Without War

422-9, Mangwon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-230
Centar za mirovne studije

Centre for Peace Studies (CMS; CPS) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation promoting non-violence and social change through education, research and activism. CMS grew out of various forms of direct peace-building in western Slavonia (Volunteers’ Project Pakrac, 1993-1997). It was founded in 1996 in Pakrac and formally registred in Zagreb the following year.
Centar za mirovne studije; Selska cesta 112a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Aldrig Mere Krig (AMK)

We are working to find alternatives to military buildup, and to develop forms of defense based on nonviolence.
Aldrig Mere Krig (AMK), Nørremarksvej 4, 6880 Tarm, DENMARK
No to Compulsory Military Service Movement

Abolishing humiliating and breaking-up Egyptian youth in the name of compulsory recruitment, and abolishing all traits of militarist rule.
Servicio Paz y Justicia del Ecuador (Serpaj-Ecuador)

Servicio Paz y Justicia del Ecuador (Serpaj-Ecuador), Casilla postal 17-03-1567, Quito
Alternativa Antimilitarista.MOC (AA.MOC)
c/San Cosme y San Damián 24-2, 28012 Madrid
Assemblea Antimilitarista de Catalunya
c/ De La Cera 1 bis, 08001 Barcelona
Centre d'Estudis per la Pau J.M.Delàs

c/ Rivadeneyra, 6 10è 08002 Barcelona
Kontzientzi Eragozpen Mugimendua (MOC-Euskal Herria)

Fellowship of Reconciliation USA

Box 271, Nyack NY 10960
Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere (P.E.A.C.E.)
Established in 1979, P.E.A.C.E. is a national membership non-profit organization of early childhood educators and volunteers who are acting together to make the world a more peaceful, safe, and welcoming place for everyone. P.E.A.C.E. helps locally, nationally, and globally to build peace among children and adults through example, education, and activism.
Resource Center for Nonviolence

515 Broadway, Santa Cruz CA 95060
War Resisters' League

War Resisters League is an antimilitarist organization in the United States working to end war and its root causes through nonviolence and internationalism, since 1923. From resisting police militarisation to training for nonviolent direct action, we invite you to join us!
168 Canal St, Suite 600. New York, NY 10013
Movement of Conscientious Objectors to Military Service in Russia (MCO)

Movement of Conscientious Objectors to military service in Russia (MCO) is a non-profit organization. Since 2014 we have been helping young people to legally exempt themselves from conscription to military service. MCO develops materials for recruits, consults and collects information about the conscription.

Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto Union of Conscientious Objectors, Peace Station, Veturitori, 00520 Helsinki, Finland

The Committee of 100 in Finland is a pacifist and antimilitarist peace organization, working for disarmament.
Committee of 100 in Finland, Peace Station, Veturitori, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Sitoutumaton Vasemmisto

Sitoutumaton Vasemmisto, Mannerheimintie 5 C 7.krs, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Mouvement de l'Objection de Conscience (MOC)

Mouvement International de la Réconciliation (MIR)

Mouvement pour une alternative non-violente (MAN)

Mouvement pour une alternative non-violente (MAN), 187 montée de Choulans 69005 Lyon
Union Pacifiste de France (UPF)

Union Pacifiste de France (UPF), Boîte Postale 196, 75624 Paris cedex 13
People to People
People to People Apt 45-Building 13, Vazha-Pshavela 6, Tbilisi 186
War Resisters' International - Georgian Section (WRI Georgia)
WRI Georgia, 45, Kavtaradze St, Apt. 45, Tbilisi 0186 Georgia
Συνδεσμοσ Αντιρρησιων Συνειδησησ

Συνδεσμοσ Αντιρρησιων Συνειδησησ, Tsamadou 13, 10683 Athens;
Gandhian Society Villages Association (GANSOVILLE)
War Resisters of India/West
c/o Swati & Michael, Juna Mozda, Dediapada, Dt Narmada, Gujarat 393040
INNATE - an Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education
Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga

Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga campaigns for:
- Iceland to resign from NATO and refrain from participation in military alliances;
- Iceland to formally terminate the bilateral defense agreement with The United States of America;
- No military camps or military exercises either in Iceland or in its sovereign waters;
- Iceland and its waters to be declared free of any use, traffic or storage of nuclear weapons;
- Iceland's constitution to uphold that Iceland will never wage war on any nation or support such actions in speech or action.
CAM will fight against any nuclear armament and partake in international peace and disarmament work.
Njalsgata 87, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
פרופיל חדש

c/o Sergeiy Sandler, POB 48005, Tel Aviv 61480
Associazione SignorNò!
della Guglia 69a, 00186 Roma
Lega degli Obiettori di Coscienza (LOC)

ede Nazionale, via Mario Pichi 1, 20143 Milano
Movimento Nonviolento Casa per la Nonviolenza

Nipponzan Myohoji
7-8 Shinsen-Cho, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150
WRI Japan
Agir pour la Paix

Agir pour la Paix has as its first objective to inform and sensitize the general public in French-speaking Belgium on subjects that threaten the general interest and peace and which are often unknown. Agir pour la Paix is also raising awareness of the issue of the presence of nuclear weapons in Belgium, the role and drifts of NATO, new weapons technology, military spending, lobbying On activist movements in Belgium, on nonviolent direct action, civil disobedience, direct democracy, etc.
35, Rue Van Elewyck, 1050 Bruxelles

Мировна Акција/Mirovna Akcija

Joseski Ice, ul 'Andon Slabejko' Br. 138, 75000 Prilep
Community Self-Reliance Centre (CSRC)

Tokha Muncipality, Kathmandu, Nepal, Post box number-19790
Human Rights Without Frontiers, Nepal
Post Box No 10660, Maitidevi-33, Kathmandu
National Land Rights Forum

BhumiGhar, Tokha-10, Dhapasi Kathmandu
Alternatives to Violence Project Nigeria
5 Ogunlesi Street off Bode Thomas Road, Onipanu, Lagos
Folkereisning Mot Krig (FMK)
PO Box 2779, Solli, 0204 Oslo
Jamii Ya Kupatanisha Fellowship of Reconciliation in Uganda
P.O Box 198, Kampala
Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia (MOC-Paraguay)
Calle Iturbe N° 1324 entre Primera y Segunda Proyectada - Asunción

Vredesbeweging Pais

Ezelsveldlaan 212 2611 DK Delft, Netherlands
Associação Livre dos Objectores e Objectoras de Consciência (ALOOC)
Rua D. Aleixo Corte-Real, 394, 3ºD, 1800-166 Lisboa

freedom * responsibility * involvement
As a social and ecological non-governmental organisation, we work principally on the basis that ecological and social problems have shared causes and consequences which must be resolved. All our activities aim to show that social change based on respect for people, animals and nature is possible, and, most importantly, must be led from below. Therefore, we support people who are interested and engaged in what’s happening around them and who consider responsibility for life on our planet as an integral part of their own freedom. We work independently of party and economic interests, using strictly non-violent means.
Sibienii Pacifisti
Aldermaston Women's Peace Campaign (AWPC)
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp is held on the second weekend of every month. All women are welcome to come along at any time - and male visitors are welcome at camp during the day, but not during the evening or at night.
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship

The Anglican Pacifist Fellowship is a body of people within the Anglican Communion who reject war as a means of solving international disputes, and believe that peace and justice should be sought through non-violent means.
11 Weavers End, Hanslope, Milton Keynes MK19 7PA
Brotherhood Church Stapleton