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21/04/1998 1 Conscription

conscription exists

Art. 168 of the Constitution states that "Military service is compulsory for Ecuadorians in the form determined by law." The 15 September 1994 Law on Compulsory Military Service regulates military service. Recently, on 15 August 1997, a new regulation on the application of this law was issued (Reglamento de aplicaci--n a la ley de Servicio Militar Obligatorio).

Facts at a Glance

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Brazilian women won the right to vote in 1932. Today, women represent 5 percent of the House of Deputies and .24 percent of the Senate.

Some 20 percent of Brazil's 35 million families are now headed by women. Most are poor and live with inadequate sanitation: over 90 percent of children under a year old in the Northeast live in homes with inadequate sewage systems.

Women in Brazil earn, on the average, 52 percent of what men do.

Action Brief: Ecuador

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Serpaj-Latin America has started a campaign to have an officer of the Ecuadoran army, Captain Fausto Morales Villota, thrown out of the armed forces and tried for the 1985 assassination of Professor Consuelo Benavidez. Captain Villota's implication in the murder was revealed by other members of the army.

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