Antimilitarist gathering against air festival in Cadiz


On the morning of 12 September, peace activists protested on the beach at Victoria, Cadiz, during the III (Military) Air Festival. Members of the R.A.N.A (Antimilitarist and Nonviolent Network of Andalucia) carried a huge banner announcing "these planes have been produced for war", while overhead various combat planes - Eurofighter, Harriers, etc - made a horrible noise.

Thousands of people attending the event saw the banner- We approached the authorities' platform where, despite some initial police aggression, we managed to express our opinions about this shameful warmongering show.

Most citizens seem to attend these events out of curiosity, attracted by the publicity mounted by the authorities trying to justify the Spanish armed presence in Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. While the commentator on the beach was appealing for a round of applause for thes dangerous aerobatics of the combat planes, very few people actually clapped.

R.A.N.A deplores such efforts to indoctrinate the population and to gain approval for the Spanish military presence in wars like that in Afghanistan. As well as being costly and polluting, this spectacle is immoral in trying to portray war equipment as toys that perform acrobatics ...

Again we express our firm rejection of such attempts by the authorities and the Defence Ministry to win over public opinion to suppo0rt war ... Today they didn't manage to do so!


Supported the demonstration:

  • Asociación para la Defensa de la Sanidad Pública de Andalucía
  • Cádiz Rebelde
  • Ateneo Libertario de Jerez
  • Asociación Cultural La Fábrika (Cádiz)
  • Akople Lokal
  • Asamblea de Estudiantes de Cádiz
  • Asamblea Feministas de Cádiz
  • Izquierda Anticapitalista
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