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We've updated our reports on conscientious objection and conscription in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, Portugal and Venezuela.

It seems that few could imagine that the problems made by the Spanish state for the Catalan referendum on 1st October would lead to exactly that which reinforces the legitimacy of the fight of many social claims: peaceful popular resistance.

On a recent visit to Turkey, an international delegation from War Resisters’ International spoke to Turkish peace and human rights activists, who have demanded that the arms trade to Turkey should stop immediately.

Serpaj in Paraguay have rejected the creation of the the National Council of Conscientious Objection (Consejo Nacional de Objeción de Conciencia) in Paraguay, and say they do not recognise their authority.

Are you developing a peace education initiative in your area? Have you studied how young people in your country learn about war in relation to their class, gender or ethnic status? Are you a member of a veterans for peace group who wants to share the ways in which you were initially attracted by army life?

We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who's signed up to be a regular donor to WRI recently! We made a request in December for financial support, and are really grateful to those who have been able to respond. We're now being supported by sixteen new donors, which to an organisation with a small budget and low expenditure is a significant level of regular support.

A book on the history of War Resisters' International from its foundation in 1921 until just before the Second World War is now available. The book gives a political insight into WRI in this early stage, exploring the emergence of "active pacifism", the refusal of military service, anti-fascism in the WRI and responses to the Spanish civil war.

Across Europe, activists have been resisting arms sales to Saudi Arabia, destined to be used the ongoing war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia's bombing campaign has seen many thousands of civilians killed.

In London, activists arrested taking nonviolent direct action against the DSEI arms fair have been in court in a series of trials. A large number of the defendants – mainly accused of obstruction of the highway – have been acquitted or had their cases dropped, successfully arguing that they were acting within their human rights to protest peacefully.

Our new webshop is live! You can visit it here: As well as our usual favourites, we’ve also added some bulk purchase reductions, like five classic WRI books for £25. These would be an amazing addition to any peace library, for a new nonviolence study group, or for any budding activist.