Recent CO Action alerts


The CO-Alert email list is specifically for alerts in cases of conscientious objection or antimilitarist action. CO-Alerts are sent out by email as soon as the WRI office receives information on the imprisonment or trial of a conscientious objector, are a powerful tool to mobilise support and protest. We provide an email contact form, so you can quickly and simply contact the authorities, in support of a nonviolent activist who is facing repression.

In many countries, prison is still the fate of conscientious objectors (COs). Thousands of COs are still in prison -- in South Korea, Israel, Finland, Colombia, and many other countries. Despite many countries having introduced laws on conscientious objection, many COs still face imprisonment, because they either don't fit into the authorities' criteria, or they refuse to perform any substitute service. War Resisters' International supports conscientious objectors who are imprisoned because of their conscientious objection, or face repression by the state or state-like entities.

If you have information about a CO who is facing persecution, a CO-Alert may be a good tool for you to use in their support. Read our 'Guidelines for making use of WRI's email alert system for conscientious objectors', and get in touch with us.

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Israeli conscientious objector Moriel Rothman, 23 year old, from Jerusalem, has been imprisoned for the second time. Having been released from Military Prison No. 6 on 2 November, he once again declared his conscientious objection to military service when called up to the Induction Base on Tuesday 5 November. He was once again sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment.

In his refusal declaration Moriel Rothman wrote:

Israeli conscientious objector Moriel Rothman, 23 year old, from Jerusalem, arrived in the morning of Wednesday, 24 October 2012, to the Induction Base in Jerusalem, where he declared his refusal to serve in the Israeli Army as it is an occupying force. He was sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment for his refusal.

In his refusal declaration Moriel Rothman wrote:

War Resisters' International has learned that 19 year-old conscientious objector, Fakhraddin Mirzayev, has been sentenced to one years' imprisonment.

Fakhraddin, who is a Jehovah's Witness, was given a one-year prison sentence on 25 September by a court in Gyanja, and has lodged an appeal.

According to Forum 18, this is the first prosecution of a Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector in Azerbaijan for two years.

Topi Louko, a 28-year old total objector from Lempäälä, was sentenced to prison for 126 days for "refusal of civilian service" (siviilipalveluksesta kieltäytyminen) on 9 October 2012. The trial was held in Eastern Uusimaa district court (Itä-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus) in Porvoo. Louko had refused to continue his civilian service in September 2011.

Topi Louko's refusal is based on reasons of conscience. He sees the conscription system in Finland as an offence against individual freedom and he does not want to serve as part of it.

Kimberly Rivera, who served with the US Army in Iraq before developing a conscientious objection, has now been in military custody in the USA for two weeks.

Further to our previous CO Alert of 20 September (, WRI have learned that she is now being held at Fort Carson, Colorado, awaiting information on her case.

We ask that you send letters and cards of support to her via this address:

Mrs. Kimberly Rivera
c/o All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church

War Resisters' International has learnt of the reimprisonment of conscientious objector İnan Suver on 12 September 2012. He was arrested in Istanbul during a routine identity check.

He has been re-arrested for escaping from hospital whilst serving a prison sentence for conscientious objection.

İnan was sentenced in absentia to five months imprisonment for his escape from prison.

War Resisters' International is concerned about the recent sentencing of Juma Nazarov, a Jehovah's Witness, for his conscientious objection to military service. Juma Nazarov, 19, was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment on 23 July for refusing military service on grounds of religious faith. After he lodged his refusal on 25 April, his case was handed over to prosecutors, Jehovah's Witnesses told Forum 18.

War Resisters' International is concerned about the recent arrest of Juma Nazarov, a Jehovah's Witness, for his conscientious objection to military service. Juma Nazarov, 19, is facing prosecution after refusing military service on grounds of religious faith. After he lodged his refusal on 25 April, his case was handed over to prosecutors, Jehovah's Witnesses told Forum 18. He was summoned to the Prosecutor's Office on the evening of 7 May where he was questioned about his refusal.

War Resisters' International is concerned about the recent sentencing and imprisonment of Zafar Abdullaev, a Jehovah's Witness, for his conscientious objection to military service. Zafar Abdullaev, 24, was sentenced on 6 March 2012 by the Dashoguz City Court to two years' imprisonment for his refusal to perform military service. He had previously served a two year suspended sentence on the same charges.

War Resisters' International is concerned about the imprisonment of South Korean conscientious objector Yoonjong Yoo. After he declared his conscientious objection (see co-alert, 29 March 2012), he was trialed for violation of the country's military service law, and finally sentenced to the standard 18 months' imprisonment on 25 April 2012. On 30 April 2012, he reported to the Seoul Detention Centre to serve his sentence.

War Resisters' International is concerned about the recent imprisonment of Israeli conscientious objector Noam Gur.

Noam Gur, 18 year old from Kiryat Motzkin near Haifa, arrived in the morning of Monday, 16 April, to the Induction Base in Tel Hashomer, where she declared her refusal to serve in the Israeli Army as it is an occupying force. She was sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment for her refusal.

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