

For many, the past years have in various ways been defined by climate change and war. Our everyday lives carry signs of escalating climate and military crises; seemingly infinite stories of ecological collapse and armed conflict. Most often, however, we do not consider these processes connected. The truth is, they very much are. But how so? In this zine, we trace the paths, from industrial highways to muddy forest trails to desert ruts and tropical grooves, along which militarism and climate crises come together

"Decarbonizing is Demilitarizing" is an initiative of Centre Delàs of Peace Studies (a War Resisters’ International affiliate), Ecologistas en Acción and Extinction Rebellion Barcelona, and seeks to strengthen the links between pacifist, ecological, feminist and global justice movements by shedding light on the multiple interconnections between militarism and the climate crisis. 

Their manifesto - which you can find below - has been so far endorsed by over 40 Spanish organizations and made public on June 13, at the campaign launch. 

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