North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO


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Sunday 23 March


The military landscape in Europe

All over Europe the military is transforming into intervention armies. This changes the role of institutions like NATO and EU and of military bases and infrastructure.

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With the NATO—Game Over-action just two weeks before the Bucharest-summit we hope to create some political pressure targeted at these decisions.

During NATO—Game Over on 22 March 2008 activists from all over Europe will nonviolently try to enter and close the NATO headquarters in Brussels, in order to prevent further war crimes and military occupations.

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NATO Game Over: on 22 March 2008, five years after the start of the Iraq war, activists from all over Europe will nonviolently try to enter and close NATO headquarters in Brussels, in order to prevent further war crimes and military occupations.

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Five years after the Iraq war started: an international action weekend at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

Europe serves as a staging ground for military interventions worldwide. The framework can differ: NATO, EU, US coalition of the willing, UN.

Facilitation: Ellen Elster

Links between economy and militarisation as well as between the co-evolution of both profit-based and military international bodies and internal social and political conditions in different countries are visible in various parts of the world.

From the Safe House Project in Budapest

On the anniversary of the beginning of NATO bombing which brought about the escalation of the war in Kosovo and the largest military operations in Europe since WWII, we want to once again speak for those for whom the war is not over yet. Namely, the numerous imprisoned or exiled deserters and conscientious objectors from Serbia who still suffer from refusing to wage a war against civilians in Kosovo or simply refusing to be sacrificial lamb of Milosevic in the pointless war with NATO.

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