War Resisters' International: Balkans resource page


Rebuilding Kosov@ and the FRY: resource pages

[archive index]

Balkan Regional Conference on CO and civilian service (08/2004)

Crime cannot be forgotten: Women in Black and two other Belgrade groups on the 10th anniversary of the start of the Bosnian war (06.04.2002)

Bosnia ten years after: statement by 21 groups in Serbia and Vojvodina (06.04.2002)

Final assessment of the Balkan Peace Team project [175k + 69k appendix] (28.05.2002) | PDF version

Women in Black: 6th anniversary of Operation Storm [3k] (08/09/01)

Women in Black: 6th anniversary of Srebrenica massacre [5k] (08/09/01)

Women in Black: Macedonia after the ceasefire agreement [2k] (23/08/01)

Women in Black: statement on Macedonia [4k] (14/08/01)

Women in Black: Let us stop the war in Macedonia [3k] (07/07/01)

Women in Black: on Milosevic's extradition and war in Macedonia [3k] (07/07/01)

International CO meeting in Srebrno Jezero [3k] (15/05/01)

Conscientious objectors can return to Yugoslavia: Amnesty International press release [6k] (13/01/01)

Serbian deserters in Hungary face a new dilemma [4k] (21/11/00)

Balkan Peace Team Kosov@ monthly report for September 2000 [28k] (01/11/00)

Hopes and fears: Report on pre-election actions in Serbia and Montenegro [22k] (20/09/00)

Balkan Peace Team Kosov@ monthly report for Jun/Jul/Aug 2000 [11k] (01/09/00)

Call to action from the Women in Black gathering in Vucje (Montenegro) [3k] (01/09/00)

Report of 'Seeking Alternatives to Militarism' meeting in Vucje [19k] (30/08/00)

Balkan Peace Team summer 2000 reports [28k] (01/08/00)

Nine years of Women in Black -- commemorating the fall of the Milosevic regime [3k] (10/06/00)

Balkan Peace Team Kosov@ monthly report for May 2000 [17k] (01/06/00)

International Conscientious Objectors' Day actions [6k] (15/05/00)

'The War is Not Over Yet' -- 1st anniversary article by Safe House Project [5k] (26/03/00)

'Wars start in the spring' -- comment by Stasa Zajovic [12k] (26/03/00)

Report on trial of Albanian students [6k] (26/03/00)

'Safe House' Project report no.8 [4k] (05/03/00)

'Safe House' project report no.7 [4k] (12/12/99)

Letter from Natasa Kandic, Humanitarian Law Centre, in Montenegro [9k] (05/12/99)

Trial of Flora Brovina, posted by Women in Black, [3k] (24/11/99)

Ad Hoc Coalition for Human Rights report on police attack on a student demonstration in Belgrade [5k] (09/11/99)

Radio B2-92 interview with Natasa Kandic, Humanitarian Law Fund [23k] (08/11/99)

Balkan Peace Team monthly report for October 1999 [24k] (01/11/99)

'Safe House' project report no.6 [6k] (17/10/99)

Balkan Peace Team report on its postwar presence in FRY and Kosov@ [17k] (06/10/99)

Paper on postwar prospects for Kosov@, written by Howard Clark for the Committee for Conflict Transformation Support (CCTS) [78k] (06/10/99)

Open letter to International Helsinki Federation, from 24 Belgrade NGOs [4k] (05/10/99)

Petition to parliament from 20 Belgrade groups [4k] (05/10/99)

'Safe House' project report no.5 [8k] (03/10/99)

Appeal for amnesty for deserters and draft evaders: Women in Black international gathering, Ulcinj, Montenegro, October 1999 [4k] (20/09/99)

'Safe House' project report no.4 [8k] (13/09/99)

'Safe House' project report no.3: the situation in Montenegro [7k] (01/09/99)

'Safe House' project report no.2 [7k] (22/08/99)

'Safe House' project report no.1 [7k] (31/07/99)

About the Safe House Project

Information about Dr Flora Brovina [1k] (07/07/99)

Report from refugee camps in Macedonia by a Belgrade woman activist [8k] (15/06/99)

Letter from two environmental and democratic activists in Belgrade [5k] (10/06/99)

Letter from Natasa Kandic, in Belgrade [9k] (23/05/99)

Appeal for support to peace and democracy in Serbia and Montenegro (Belgrade NGOs statement [4k] (22/05/99)

Yugoslav NGOs meeting in Nis [4k] (18/05/99)

Letter from women in Israel/Palestine, May 1999 [3k] (01/05/99)

Nezavisnost Trade Union Federation, May Day 1999 [3k] (01/05/99)

Letter to Albanian friends in Kosovo, from 20 Belgrade groups [5k] (30/04/99)

Letter from Women in Black [2k] (20/04/99)

'Letter of distress' -- essay by Vesna Terselic [13k] (01/04/99)

17 civil society NGOs in Serbia [4k] (01/04/99)

A short history of WRI's engagement with the Kosov@ crisis [10k] (01/04/99)

Asylum for deserters from the Yugoslav army: a WRI appeal [3k] (01/04/99)

civil society NGOs in Serbia [4k] (01/04/99)

Field report from Kosov@, from Belgrade's Humanitarian Law Centre [6k] (01/04/99)

Letter from the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights [4k] (01/04/99)

prominent cultural, academic, and political figures [4k] (01/04/99)

Statement on environmental emergency in Pancevo, signed by groups in Belgrade [2k] (01/04/99)

Women's Aid to former Yugoslavia (WATFY),appeal [2k] (01/04/99)

WRI executive communiqué on the 1999 war [8k] (01/04/99)

Nonviolent solutions in Kosov@: discussion paper written by Howard Clark [15k] (27/03/99)

Statement on NATO intervention in Kosov@ [8k] (27/03/99)

A letter from a woman antiwar activist in Belgrade [12k] (25/03/99)

Letters from an antiwar and CO activist in temporary exile in Budapest [10k] (25/03/99)

Statement on Kosovo/a, WRI Triennial, Porec, September 1998 [6k] (26/09/98)

Dialogue over intervention with civil society groups in former-Yugoslav republics [16k] (01/07/94)

Statement on NATO ultimatum in Bosnia [7k] (01/02/94)

No to military intervention in Bosnia [10k] (01/06/92)

Proposal to stop the war in Yugoslavia (17/12/91)

Can pacifists do anything to stop the war in Yugoslavia? [WRI funding appeal] (late 1991)

Annotated contact and resource list (1999)


Neun Jahre politischer Aktivismus der Women in Black, okt. 2000 [3k] (10/06/00)

Plenum zum Kosov@-Krieg an Seminar 'Das Antlitz des Militärs im Wandel' (abschrift) [82k] (20/08/99)

Die Neue Nato [abschrift, 100k] [102k] (08/08/99)

Kosovo: Vorbereitungen für die Zeit nach dem Krieg (Howard Clark, CCTS, juli. 1999) [101k] (01/07/99)

Krieg und Vertreibung im Kosovo - Ist die NATO Brandstifter oder Feuerwehr? (Christine Schweitzer, IFGK, juli. 1999) [79k] (01/07/99)

Erklärung der War Resisters' International zum NATO-Angriff auf Jugoslawien [9k] (01/04/99)

Aufruf von Belgrader nichtstaatlichen Organisationen [5k] (01/04/99)

Brief von Nichtregierungsorganisationen an albanische FreundInnen [5k] (01/04/99)

Frauen in Schwarz: Eine Aufruf an die Regierungen, die Mitglied der NATO sind [3k] (01/04/99)


Mujeres de Negro: 6o aniversario de la massacre en Srebrenica [6k] (08/09/01)

Mujeres de Negro: Seis años del exodo de la Krajina [4k] (08/09/01)

Mujeres de Negro: informe sobre Macedonia [4k] (14/08/01)

Encuentro OC en Srebrno Jezero [3k] (15/05/01)

Informe sobre la accion 'Rechazo la Guerra' [24k] (01/09/00)

Llamamiento para la Amnestía de los Desertores y los Evasores de Conscripción en Serbia y Montenegro [4k] (01/09/00)

Seminario 'Busquemos las alternatives al militarismo', Vucje (Montenegro) [24k] (30/08/00)

Encuentro de objetores, Studenica (Vojvodina) [17k] (15/05/00)

Mujeres de Negro: Dia internacional de objectores/as de conciencia [7k] (15/05/00)

'Las guerras empiezan en la primavera' comentario por Stasa Zajovic [15k] (26/03/00)

Continúa el proceso a estudiantes albaneses en Belgrado [7k] (15/03/00)

Ataque Policial en la Protesta Estudiantil de Belgrado [6k] (11/09/99)

Informe preliminario "Safe house" sobre la situación de los objetores de conciencia, huidos del servicio militar y desertores [8k] (15/08/99)

Carta de 2 activistas de Belgrado [7k] (01/07/99)

Feministas en campos de refugiados [8k] (01/07/99)

Flora Brovina detenida en la prisión de Lipljan (Sérbia) [1k] (01/07/99)

Carta de una activista de derechos humanos [10k] (01/05/99)

Carta a los/as amigos/as albaneses/as de Kosovo [6k] (01/04/99)

Demanda de la ONGs Serbias para la restauración del proceso de paz [5k] (01/04/99)

Lunes y Martes en Kosovo [8k] (30/03/99)

Llamamiento de 17 ONGs de Belgrado (marzo 1999) [6k] (29/03/99)

Declaración de la IRG sobre la OTAN y Kosovo [10k] (27/03/99)

Llamamiento del Centro de Derechos Humanos de Belgrado [4k] (27/03/99)

Cartas de Kosovo y Serbia [21k] (25/03/99)

Mujeres de Negro amenezados por el gobierno y por Seselj (30/09/98)


Neuf ans de militantisme par les Femmes en Noir [4k] (10/06/00)

Entretien avec Natasa Kandic, Fonds par le droit humanitare (Belgrade) [14k] (01/05/99)

Nezavisnost: Déclaration du 1er Mai [4k] (01/05/99)

Urgence écologique [3k] (01/05/99)

17 ONGs serbiens [6k] (01/04/99)

Lettre aux ami/es albaniens [6k] (01/04/99)

Information à propos de l'ambiance au Belgrade [11k] (29/03/99)

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