Bosnia and Herzegovina

On March the 30th, 2010. the Parliament of Serbia adopted the Declaration on condemning the crime in Srebrenica.

After a long debate in the Parliament, when we could hear fascist statements from the members of Radical party, Democratic party of Serbia and Serbian Progressive party, the members of the Parliament adopted the Declaration on condemning the crimes in Srebrenica.

A Few Workshops

Placheolder image
Controlling Fear

Convenor: Roberta Bacic, Chile

Within the context of the WRI Triennial, a short workshop was developed on the control of fear. There was a large attendance and active participation in this workshop which made possible a dialogue and exchange of experiences on all kinds of valuable and significant activity carried out in various countries.

The workshop was divided into two parts;

Boro Kitanoski – Peace Action, Macedonia

“Proclamation to the Serbian friends

MAN. Your Serbian virtue must be loyalty. Be loyal in the Orthodox
Church to the God of your Holy Ancestors. Be in the St. Sava’s
patriotism loyal to your Fatherland. Be in household responsibility
loyal to your family. Without God, without a Fatherland, without a
family, You are nobody and nothing.

Submission to the 87th Session of the Human Rights Committee: July 2006:

Paragraph 95 of the State Report (CCPR/C/BIH/1), concerning military service and conscientious objection, has, according to information we have received from Prigovir BiH (the conscientious objectors’ organisation of Bosnia-Herzegovina), been overtaken by events. On
29th September 2005, the Parliament passed a Defence Reform Act.

Antimilitarists in Bosnia and Hercegovina recently were suprised by an unexpected victory: conscription in the country will formally end on 1 January 2006, and in practice conscription has already ended. The end of conscription is part of a bigger defence reform in the country, passed by parliament on 5 October. The reform includes the reduction of the size of the Armed Forces to about 10,000, the abolishment of separate Defence Ministries for the two entities ("the Federation" and Republika Srpska), and in general will move the Bosnian military closer to NATO standards.

As published in The Right to Conscientious Objection in Europe, Quaker Council for European Affairs, 2005.

THE FEDERATION ConscriptionConscientious objection
REPUBLIKA SRPSKA ConscriptionConscientious objection

The 1995 Dayton Peace Agreements divided the country into two constituent entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Re

A regional standard for the right to conscientious objection

From 20-22 September, a regional conference "To Europe through conscientious objection and civilian service" took place in Sarajevo, organised by the regional network "Objection for peace".

Igor Seke

Yugoslavia passed a new law on the Yuguslav army in January 2002, but this law still doesn't include any regulation on conscientious objection. Conscientious objectors can only perform a service without arms within the Yugoslav army - clearly not satisfactory for conscientious objectors. Media reports lead to quite some confusion. Some media wrote about a "military civilian service", and some even presented this option as a genuine civilian service, so that many conscripts got quite confused.

On the occasion of 6th April, tenth anniversary of the beginning of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina

It's ten years since the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina began and escalated into one of the most infamous episodes in the entire history of the Balkans, into blood bath, waged by armed military formations and paramilitary cliques against the civilian population and marked by genocide, mass rapes and other forms of violations of basic human rights, starting from the right to live and further down the list.

The perpetrators must be punished! Women in Black, Belgrade

Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade

Women to Women, Sarajevo

The tenth anniversary of the beginning of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6th April 2002

Public announcement on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the beginning of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Balkan Peace Team - International e.V. Nonviolent Intervention in the Conflicts of Former Yugoslavia: Sending Teams of International Volunteers A Final Internal Assessment of

Taking part in activity against violence is particularly difficult when it is in the face of heavy, often arbitrary and unregulated, violence, as is the case during military action.

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