

It seems there is never a quiet time when it comes to campaigning against war profiteers. It can be the work against nuclear weapons and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Nukewatch, The Nuclear Resist and The Ploughshare Eight in the US, or in France, with actions against the Eurosatory arms fair, or in Europe, with the work and meetings of ENAAT, shareholders' actions and court cases, or in Israel and Palestine, with the work on BDS and settlements products and around the use of military equipment against Palestinians and internationals, or in Africa with the permanent resources war. All these are reported in this issue of War Profiteer News.

As we send this issue in Brighton, UK the jury is deciding on the case of the Smash EDO Decommissioners, we expect a verdict during this week, for the latest information on their case go to: http://www.smashedo.org.uk/.

I would like to thank the many people who collaborated with me on this issue. There is nothing better than a joint effort. This is key when it comes to campaigning against war profiteers: being able to form strategic alliances, especially between groups using different tactics.

WRI will continue helping promoting and coordinating work against war profiteers so we expect more of this cooperation to happen. So yes, no quiet time in the struggle against war profiteering.

Javier Garate

Programmes & Projects

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