Asia Peace Network


Efat Abulfazil is a young peace worker from Afghanistan. She grew up during the war time in her country. She is a member of Afghan Peace Volunteer- a group of mainly young people that promotes peace, nonviolence and local solutions for healing and rebuilding communities and humane values. She is also a member of Asia Peace Network- a recent WRI initiative.

World Without War is a member of War Resisters' International based in South Korea, and is one of the most successful pacifist and antimilitarist movements in Asia, taking action on issues such as the arms trade, ending mandatory male conscription and activist empowerment. This year, WWW is celebrating its 20th anniversary by celebrating its achievements, reflecting on its challenges, and envisioning the coming years/decades. To mark this occasion, we interviewed front-line activist Jungmin Choi.

We are pleased to announce the conference “Conscientious Objection in Asia”, which will be held on 18th to 20th November in Seoul, South Korea. The event will gather conscientious objectors (COs) and campaigners of conscientious objection (CO) from across Asia to discuss the problems COs are facing today and how to counter these problems. The event is organised by World Without War in cooperation with Connection e.V. and War Resisters’ International.

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