Call for articles: We need your voice and knowledge

booklet Cover

We are asking for your contributions for our new booklet on understanding the militarised video games industry and how to counter this narrative.  

The booklet will be focusing on two key themes:

  • Do militarised video games enable an acceptance of a militarised society through cultural means?
  • How have video games become a tool for militarism?
  • How we can counter the militarised narrative promoted by the video games industry?

We think this is an important area that needs to be examined. As violence promoted by means of popular culture is one of the key ways that militaristic narrative is normalised in society. The video games industry is increasingly becoming part of this. Once we understand it, we will all be better at countering this narrative.

We would like your input on the subject in general and on the themes above. This could be through your personal experience or your activist work in the field. 

Please drop us an email via and We are expecting your pieces to be between 800-1200 words latest by 10th November. If you'd like to contribute in a different format or if you have any questions please contact us by the emails above. 

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