Macedonia: CO statistics


On 11 January 2006 War Resisters' International asked the Macedonian Ministry of Defence some questions about applications for conscientious objection in 2005. WRI did so on request of its Macedonian section Peace Action, who were unable to obtain the figures, and were told by the Ministry of Defence that they might respond to questions from an international/foreign NGO. Peace Action drafted the fax in Macedonian, and this was put on WRI stationary, signed and faxed to the Ministry of Defence from London.

The answer was received only four weeks later, and funnily enough went to Peace Action, with the request to pass on the answer to War Resisters' International. According to the Macedonian Ministry of Defence, in 2005, there were 1,530 applications for conscientious objection, of which 1,330 were accepted (87%). By the end of 2005, 420 conscientious objectors had finished their substitute service, and 430 were serving.
Source: Fax of Macedonian Ministry of Defence to Peace Action, via email from Peace Action, 8 February 2006


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