Updates on the print edition of The Broken Rifle and online shop


You might already know we were planning to return to a regular print run of the Broken Rifle magazine, starting with our next issue on feminism, gender and antimilitarism. Unfortunely, due to the current situation this needs to be postpone. The next issue will be available online and we hope we can print the next ones later this year.

If you have suscribed to the printed edition of The Broken Rifle in English, we will get in touch with you soon. If we haven't contacted you by mid-April please email us to info@wri-irg.org. You can continue reading our newsletters and magazine online. Subscribe here if you want to get them direct to your email. 

Finally, you can still place orders at our online shop, but we will need more time to ship them. We will update you on the shipping status accordingly.

We appreciate your understanding, 

Best regards, 

WRI staff

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