The Broken Rifle #115: call for submissions

A black and white photo showing many people sat outside in front of an old building
A photo from WRI's first international conference

In 2021, WRI is marking its 100th anniversary. We were formed by pacifists, antimilitarists and conscientious objectors who came together after the First World War, and since then we have organised resistance, built solidarity and shared resources among grassroots antimilitarist organisations all over the world.

Our 115th edition of The Broken Rifle will focus on the stories of solidarity and resistance from across our history. Do you have a story to tell - perhaps you joined us for an international assembly, or took part in one of our solidarity actions? We hope to fill our next edition of The Broken Rifle with stories of resistance and solidarity from WRI's history.

If you have an idea for an article please email with the subject "Broken Rifle 115 proposal" and we'll be back in touch. The deadline for submissions is 1st June 2021. Articles are normally around 1,200 words long. For more details on writing for WRI's publications, please see:

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