Call for submissions: War and covid-19


In recent months, states around the world have had to respond to the unprecedented challenge of the covid-19 pandemic. In the next edition of The Broken Rifle, we want to explore the militarised aspects of this response, for example:

  • how have militarised practises been used to enforce lockdowns?
  • how has the discourse been militarised?
  • have armed forces used the pandemic as "cover" to extend their powers or reach?
  • how do our movements respond and change to this new context?

If you would like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! Write to with the subject "Contributing to Broken Rifle". Our deadline for initial submissions is 6th July.

A few practical details:

  • The Broken Rifle is the regular magazine of War Resisters' International, published three times a year
  • We look for contributions from around the world, with a different theme focus for each edition
  • Each article is normally around 1,200 words
  • Articles are normally translated into Spanish, French and German
  • We can accept contributions in a range of languages - let us know if you would like to write in a language other than English and we can normally arrange translation
  • You can see a guide to writing for WRI's publications here:



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