Updates Countering the Militarisation of Youth conference, Darmstadt, 8-10 June 2012


You are receiving this email because you have previously shown an interest either in attending or supporting our study conference on "Countering the Militarisation of Youth".

With just seven weeks until we all meet in Germany for the conference things are starting to take shape. We have started to confirm our team of speakers, facilitators and translators, book tickets and in the last few days switched our 'Registration of Interest' forms into 'Registration Forms'!

We expect participation from - in no particular order - Britain, Chile, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Israel, Finland, Spain, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, USA, Canada, and a range of other countries.

If you are still interested in coming along you will need to fill out the 'Registration Forms' before we can confirm your place, we recommend you leave plenty of time to apply for visas etc... so why not fill out the registration proper today?

English: http://wri-irg.org/shop/militarisationofyouth
German: http://wri-irg.org/de/shop/militarisierungderjugend
Spanish: http://wri-irg.org/es/shop/militarisaciondelajuventud

In preparation for the conference, WRI is conducting a survey on the militarisation of youth. The survey is not a test, and we are not looking necessarily for statistical evidence or facts based answers. What we would like to gather with the survey are impressions, anecdotes and experiences of these topics. Please participate in the survey at http://wri-irg.org/programmes/militarisationofyouth/survey.

The programme of the conference will begin with a focus on analysing the different ways youth are militarised, looking at issues such as military and public spaces, Militainment, military and education, Queer/gender and militarism, and the recruitment of immigrants and low income youth. The second part of the conference will focus on the exchange of experiences of resistance, including, but not limited to Queer resistance, resistance in educational settings, the role of veterans, direct action against the militarisation of youth, and children's rights. A draft programme is available at http://wri-irg.org/programmes/militarisationofyouth/conference-programme.

The aim of the study conference is to foster an on going regional and multi-regional network of cooperating anti-militarist organisations. The overarching objective is strengthening the work against the militarisation of youth in Europe (and beyond) by providing opportunities for people to exchange skills and experience of working in this field and to create/strengthen networks and relationships across the region.

Countering the Militarisation of Youth Network Meeting

Directly after the conference there will be an opportunity for people interested in committing themselves to 'making things happen' - that is taking the aims and resolves of the conference to the next level, setting up processes, drawing up plans etc... participation in this Network Meeting will mean staying an extra night at the conference venue in Damstadt. If you're interested in participating please indicate accordingly on your 'Registration Form'.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Germany,

Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International

Programmes & Projects

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