Triathletes for Peace


The 2009 London Triathlon will have the presence of four committed triathletes for peace – Andy Neidhardt, Ed Neidhardt, Javier Gárate and Matt Neidhardt. They will be racing to support the work of War Resisters' International and have formed the War Resisters Triathlon Team, their target is to raise £ 2,000.

War Resisters' International

War Resisters' International was founded in 1921 under the name "Paco". It was and is based on the WRI declaration:

War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war

War Resisters' International exists to promote nonviolent action against the causes of war, and to support and connect people around the world who refuse to take part in war or the preparation of war. On this basis, WRI works for a world without war.

WRI has a long history of supporting conscientious objectors to military service. Currently WRI works closely with groups in Colombia, Israel, South Korea, Turkey and many others that strive for nonviolent ways of dealing with conflict and refuse to be part of the war machinery.

WRI also works promoting nonviolent actions to bring social change. Being trying to stop the development of the arms industry and infrastructure, refusing to pay the percentage of taxes that goes for military purposes, creating nonviolent communities that refuse to take part of any arm group, building nonviolent alternative for sustainable communities, and so much more...

WRI as an international network works with a very tight budget, and due to the radical nature of its work it is not easy to access major external funding. That it's why WRI strongly depends on the support of individuals that believe in a world without any kind of war. By running the 2009 London Triathlon for the War Resisters Team and asking you to sponsor them - Andy, Ed, Matt and Javier are contributing to the efforts of a world without war, please support them!


There are different ways to donate to WRI, in the following page you will find all the bank and payment details. You can also arrange directly with each of the triathletes how to sponsor them. You can also check WRI's donate page ( ) or if you are member of facebook you can donate via WRI Cause (

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