May 18, 2000: Three New Conscientious Objectors on Anti-Militarist Festival


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On 14th of May, IAMI (Istanbul Anti-Militarist Initiative) organized an anti-militarist festival in Istanbul -for the annual of World Conscientious Objectors (15th of May). The festival was supported by anarchist groups from Ankara and Istanbul, ISKD (Izmir War Resisters Association), and ASKD Giri imi (Ankara War Resisters Initiative). There were also some guests from abroad -Germany and Italy. Legal permission for the festival was taken by ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party).

The festival began with speeches on anti-militarism and conscientious objection (to do military service) and later three 'new' conscientious objectors (Ugur Yorulmaz, Timucin Kizilay and Hasan Cimen) declared their objections in front of the 800 people who had filled the auditorium. The festival continued on with songs of music groups making Turkish and Kurdish folk and rock music. Ankara Anarchists, ISKD, and Amnesty International sent their solidarity messages for conscientious objectors. The following is the English translation of one of those objectors' declaration.

Why can't I be a soldier?

Governments never care about the way I feel, think and live.

It is the governmental approach that forces me to be one of those billions of men who should do nothing but obey. I am asked for governmental service as a soldier; I am required to learn how to use guns and forcibly defend the state, of which I am claimed to be a citizen; I am asked for unconditional obedience and even killing and being killed.

My acceptance of this obligatory "military service" means my approval of this power elite regime for which I am not a decision maker but a subject. It means my whole-hearted guaranty that I will never make objections and I will not disturb "them" as long as I live.

However, for me, intersocial domination, states and their imaginary boundaries are major obstacles on humanitarian advance; armies are nothing but organized violence institutions responsible for protecting governmental and capital interests.

I always solved my problems by detailed discussing, analysis and at worst by isolating the problem source. However, I have never used violence. I have always excluded myself from any form of hierarchy. I do not want to rule or be ruled anymore. I have always desired to live in a world where there are no classes, boundaries, states, and countries and where sharing outshadows exploitation. Current regime is not what I dream of, but it does not necessarily mean that I should accept your life style.

Your conscription for my military service means your call for my confidence in life, my dream for a free world and my hopes.

All these belong to me and I will never give them to you. On grounds of these, I reject to complete military charge and serve for any states. I do not accept to make any legal defense in any suit to be brought against me due to my ideas and non-fulfillment of military charge; I call all people suffering from similar consequences for solidarity and nonviolent action.

Ugur Yorulmaz

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