International Conscientious Objectors' Day
International Conscientious Objectors' Day is celebrated on 15 May since the early 1980's. It is a day to highlight the struggle of conscientious objectors for the right to conscientious objection, and against war and militarism, globally.
As part of WRI's programme on The Right to Refuse to Kill, War Resisters' International aims to establish a tradition of international nonviolent direct action on 15 May in support of a certain CO struggle, accompanied by decentral activities all over the world. In 2002, WRI organised an international nonviolent direct action at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, in support of CO movements on the Balkans. In 2003, WRI and New Profile jointly organised an international training in Tel Aviv, Israel. This year now the international action takes place in Chile, organised by Ni Casco Ni Uniforme.
War Resisters' International needs hopes that many local activities will take place on 15 May. A very brief overview is given on page 4, but we hope that this is only the 'tip of the iceberg'. Please write to War Resisters' International what you did on May 15th, and send a donation to support the work of War Resisters' International (for details see pages 3 and 4).
Thank You!
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