ARROW, London: Statement on Attacks on Afghanistan


1) Anti-war vigils Sunday 11 November

2) Teach-ins/public meetings Saturday 10 November Please forward this email to local groups.

ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War), a London-based nonviolent direct action group, is calling for groups around the UK and around the world to hold anti-war vigils on 11 November 2001 to oppose the war against Afghanistan, to call for "food not bombs for Afghanistan", and to oppose any widening of the war to other countries.

1) Anti-war vigils Sunday 11 November

11 November is Remembrance Day in Britain, when the nation remembers soldiers who have fallen in Britain's wars. It is also Veterans' Day in the USA.


We are calling for British anti-war groups to hold vigils at their local war memorials at 1:30pm on Sunday 11 November, to remember the victims of 11 September (it will be two months exactly after the atrocities in New York and Washington DC) and the victims of war and famine in Afghanistan. The time of day has been chosen so as to avoid a clash with the normal Remembrance Day events, and also to mark the time of the first airplane strike on the World Trade Centre.


We propose a simultaneous international 3 minutes of silence at 8:45am Eastern Standard Time (USA), 1:45pm UK time (we'll be back on GMT by then). During these three minutes we will remember the victims of 11 September and the victims of war and avoidable famine in Afghanistan.


Please register the details of your local event with to go onto the ARROW website Please also inform your local media of your anti-war vigil.

2) Teach-ins/public meetings Saturday 10 November

ARROW is also calling on local anti-war groups to organise teach-ins or public meetings on Saturday 10 November to help people to understand the current conflict and its background.

Again, we would be grateful if you could register your educational event with

Best wishes
Milan Rai

PS ARROW has set up an anti-war email list for UK activists. To subscribe, please email to


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