Theme Group: Grassroots movements and peace processes


is intended to be a draft outline proposal for the Theme Group, subject to
changes and suggestions from participants. Considering there are 5 sessions of
theoretically 2 hours 30 minutes, we can count on about 10-11 hours of
effective work. The following are our proposals as to the general format and
contents of each session:

The five theme group sessions


Personal introduction of participants, particularly focusing on each one's
involvement or interest in specific peace processes around the world.

Agenda setting and timing overview.

"World map" of peace processes. Different situations in which grassroots
movements can find themselves, according to the way they relate to the sides in
conflict. Is neutrality a must? Feelings of grassroots activists in peace

Session 2

Stages of peace processes. The role and shortcomings of grassroots movements as
to peace making, peace keeping and peace building. Specific focus on truth,
reconciliation, reparation, punishment.

Session 3

Gender day. Women and power in societies where violent conflict persists.
Conflict parties' interests and women' interests. Are women in a better
position to find ways to overcome violent expressions of conflict? Women's
solidarity networks.

Session 4

Grassroots movements identity from the point of view of concerned civil
societies. International and local agencies and organisations. The role of
international solidarity and development NGOs. Specific focus on economics.

Session 5

Conclusions. Pulling threads together. Things learnt, things we still have to
learn about, want to deal with and explore further. Explore ways of
facilitating ongoing contact and information for people in peace processes.

General Format

To make each session as lively as
possible, and also to help avoid mental exhaustion, particularly given the need
for translation and for people working outside their native language, we would
like each session to be made up of relatively short parts, which would keep
more or less the same order every day. These could be as follows:

Music at the beginning of each session, possibly for another agenda item and
also at the end. Live music if anyone can do it!

Agenda for the session (and global agenda overview at first session).

"Moving" exercises as part of the exploration, like world map on the floor,
"barometer", human sculpture or drama.

Game as a short break in the middle of the session.

Small groups and one-to-ones, which could stand by themselves or feed into full
theme group discussion.

Discussion, not longer than 30-40 minutes at a time, could be broken up into
"discussion blocks", one earlier in session, one later.

Situation sharing. Each session would have someone or a couple of people share
their experience of the peace process they are involved in.

Closing round circle

Programmes & Projects

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