Upcoming events


1 April 2012 , Brussels, Belgium

NATO Game Over - International Direct Action NATO HQ

From 15 till 22 May 2012, the next NATO Summit will be held in Chicago. High on the agenda will be NATO's role as an instrument for military intervention all over the world, and the outcome of the Deterrence and Defence Posture Review (DDPR) currently being conducted within the Alliance – defining the role of NATO's nuclear weapons.

A unified European action is needed well in advance, as a strong signal to our European governments. They should give clear instructions to their NATO ambassadors and other representatives before they leave for Chicago:
NATO's tactical nuclear weapons in Europe are anachronistic, useless, illegal according to International Humanitarian Law, and counterproductive to the non-proliferation process.
Military threats and interventions aggravate conflicts rather than resolve them.

To give this signal, Vredesactie will organize a nonviolent direct action day at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

For more information: http://vredesactie.be

17 April 2012, global

Global Day of Action on Military Spending

On April 17, 2012, people all over the world will join together for the second Global Day of Action on Military Spending. We urge you to join us.

The current economic crisis has put pressure on the world’s governments to reduce spending on critical human needs: confronting climate change, battling deadly diseases, achieving the Millennium Development Goals. But apart from a few courageous exceptions, national governments continue to waste enormous resources on the military. Figures from the 2011 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) annual report show that the world’s governments are spending more than ever on the military: $1,630 billion per year – and rising. If spent differently, this money would go a long way to resolving the real challenges facing our planet.

On April 17, SIPRI will announce the military spending figures for 2011. Our GDAMS actions in capital cities and other locations around the world will offer the mass media photo opportunities and local stories about military spending. Local organisers can schedule their action on or near the Global Day.

This is the second Global Day. Last year’s event, held on April 12, 2011, was a big success, with nearly 100 actions in 37 countries. In 2012, activists will organize many types of events, from protests at military bases to teach-ins. Each location will devise its own approach. But all the events will highlight the latest figure for global military spending, which will likely approach $1.7 trillion. Our campaign could be built around slogans such as: What would you do with $1.7 trillion? When our countries are broke, should we spend Trillions for War or Trillions for Peace? Make Jobs not War! etc.


8 - 10 June, 2012, Darmstadt, Germany

Countering the Militarisation of Youth International

War Resisters' International is looking for individuals and organisations to collaborate on and contribute to its 2012 conference 'Countering the Militarisation of Youth'. One of the aims of the project is to create a snap shot of the ways in which youth are being increasingly militarised, to that end we would welcome hearing from you about developments in your area.

“In Europe, and to some degree on a global level, there are presently two trends which both contribute to an increased militarisation of youth. The first trend is the end (or, more exactly, the suspension) of conscription in most European countries since the 1990s. The second trend is one of an increasing “normalisation of war” stemming from the 'war on terror' and the use of military force as a means of politics. Both trends reinforce each other in strengthening the militarisation of youth from an early age on- something we are committed to working against”

WRI are looking to foster an ongoing regional and multi-regional network of cooperating anti-militarist organisations. The overarching objective of the conference is strengthening the work against the militarisation of youth in Europe (and beyond) by providing opportunities for people to exchange skills and experience of working in this field and to create/strengthen networks and relationships across the region.

WRI are looking to collaborate on all levels of the planning and delivery of this project from organisational logistics through to content and session planning and delivery.

People with any experience in counter recruitment, anti-war, and peace activism are welcome. WRI have identified the following general themes for the conference and any person or organisation with specific expertise, or a willingness to develop knowledge, in these areas are especially welcome. We also look forward to being made aware of other pressing issues relating to the militarisation of youth that are not identified in this list.

  • Nationalism and patriotism
  • Military in education
  • Culture of militarism
  • Military in public spaces
  • Military recruitment strategies
  • Military masculinities and Queer Resistance

If you would like to collaborate on, contribute to, or attend this conference or there are organisations/individuals in your region that are working on issues such as these, War Resisters International would like to hear from you (please feel free to respond in English, German or Spanish) and can be contacted at the following:

☎ +44-20-7278 4040
☎ +44-20-3355 2364
Fax: +44-20-7278 0444
Email: andreas@wri-irg.org

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