

Dear readers of CO-Update.

With this CO-Update, only two weeks after the last issue, we attempt to get back to our normal schedule. Although, as can be expect after only two weeks, this is a slightly shorter CO-Update.
Our main story in Switzerland highlights a worrying mindset: if people actually make use of their right to conscientious objection in higher numbers, it needs to be restricted! A right is a right, no matter how many make use of it - be it 0.1 or 100%!

At present, we also have little information on the case of Karl, an unemployed who has been forced to take a job which involves recruiting people for a military college, in spite of his conscientious objection.

This shows that the issue of conscientious objection will not go away with an end of conscription. It will just take new forms, and the right to conscientious objection for employees is one issue which hasn't been dealt with much so far, but which might be increasingly important in the future, as the case from Wales highlights.

To continue to do this work War Resisters' International depends on your donations. We therefore kindly ask you to donate to WRI online at wri-irg.org/en/donate-en.htm.

Andreas Speck

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