

Dear readers of CO-Update.

After last month's CO-Update was much longer than usual, this month's No 59 pretty short. Our main article reports on a new campaign by WRI's Swiss section Group for a Switzerland without Army (GSoA) for a referendum to abolish conscription in the country. If successful, this would radically change the Swiss military, and in the long term roll back the militarisation of Swiss society.

Turkey is a regular subject in this newsletter, and again we report on developments in the country. But while politicians and the military fight over who is in charge, conscientious objectors continue to be imprisoned, and need our support. This is the core of WRI's work - supporting those who refuse to enlist, to take up arms, and who face imprisonment (see also today's co-alert).

To continue to do this work War Resisters' International depends on your donations. We therefore kindly ask you to donate to WRI online at wri-irg.org/en/donate-en.htm.

Andreas Speck

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