Corporate Watch report: The Vile Scramble for Loot: How British corporations are fuelling war in the DR Congo


Over the last 150 years, what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo has been subject to vast and destabilising resource expropriation at the hands of European capitalism since Belgian King Leopold II’s conquest in 1885. This exploitation still continues to this day. The DRC is suffering from a war, often referred to as Africa's World War, that is almost certainly the worst in the world. This war is largely the result of the exploitation of the DRC’s rich resources by foreign corporations, which fund 'warlords' from the DRC and surrounding countries and the army to give them access to cheap minerals. The war and exploitation in DR Congo, principally at the hands of the imperial powers of Europe and the United States, is the latest stage of the Maafa (African Holocaust) in DRC and, like the other stages, it is truly devastating. British companies, such as Afrimex, Anglo American, and the Amalgamated Metal Corporation and others have played an instrumental role in this exploitation.

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