Support our crowdfunder: support CO movements!


We're excited to announce the launch of a new book on conscientious objection (CO), written by and for CO movements worldwide. Learning from the lived experience of activists, the aim is to help movements work together, surmount the external challenges they face, and enhance the concept of conscientious objection. The book is almost ready to go – but we need your help to get it printed! The book will be available for free online, but we’d also like to make printed copies, especially for those activists who don’t have safe access to the internet. That’s why we’ve made this crowdfunder. If you support this crowdfunder, you’ll receive your own copy of the book, and if you give a little more, we’ll also send a copy to a CO movement. Please share this crowdfunder widely so others can do the same. Thank you.

Support the crowdfunder here.


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