Timetable: Antimilitarist Campaigning Lab


The Antimilitarist Campaigning Lab will be an interactive space for young activists to explore issues and strategies in antimilitarist campaigning in depth and increase youth's voice and influence within our movements. Each session will include contributions by experts and experienced activists from the field. At the end of the seminar series, the participants will be invited to contribute a piece (an article/interview/podcast) to be published on antimili-youth.net and the WRI main website.

Find a timetable including the date and time information for each session below. 

  Session  Date/Time

Module 1: Campaigning against the militarisation of borders




with Mark Akkerman

29th February, 3:00pm - 5:00pm CET

Campaign Clinic I

with Moctar Dan Yaye 

7th March, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET

Campaign Clinic II

with Spyros Galinos 

14th March, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET


The week of 18th March

Module 2: Campaigning against arms trade




with Andrew Metheven

28th March, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET

Campaign Clinic I

with Minyeong Kim Han

4th April, 1:00pm - 2:30pm CET 

Campaign Clinic II

11th April, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET


The week of 18th April

Module 3: Campaigning for climate justice: antimilitarist perspectives



with Sahar Vardi 

25th April, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET

Campaign Clinic I

with Katrin Geyer

2nd May, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET

Campaign Clinic II

9th May, 3:00pm-4:30pm CET

Closing Session I


16th May, 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET

Closing Session II


 23rd May 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm CET


Mark Akkerman 

Mark Akkerman is a researcher at Stop Wapenhandel (Dutch Campaign Against Arms Trade) and is actively involved in Transnational Institute’s research on border militarisation. He has also written and campaigned on topics as arms exports to the Middle East, the private military and security sector, greenwashing arms trade and the militarisation of climate change responses.

Moctar Dan Yaye 

Moctar is from Niger. He is an activist committed to the defence of human rights, particularly that of people on the move. He is one of the founding members of Alarme Phone Sahara, and its Head of Communication and Public Relations for since then. He is also part of the Afrique Europe Interact (AEI) network and other local and international civil society movements fighting for social justice.

Spyros Galinos 

Spyros is a local activist-researcher on the island of Lesvos-Greece. Living on the Greek-Turkish border geographies for many years, he has been confronted with the challenges of migration management and the increasing militarisation of the EU borders. With a long history of working with grassroots political groups, he is committed to strengthening civil society groups and solidarity networks.

Andrew Metheven

Andrew works on WRI’s Nonviolence Programme, which develops resources and organises training in nonviolent social change, with a specific focus on resisting "war profiteers". Andrew is involved in the anti-nuclear and anti-arms trade movements in the UK, and studied Politics and Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.

Minyeong Kim Han

Minyeong is an action research manager at PEACE MOMO and a non-violent trainer at World Without War, based in Seoul, South Korea. She has worked on the anti-arms trade movement focusing on arms fairs in South Korea. Before joining the grassroots peace movement, she worked as a campaigner for Amnesty International Korea. She studied sociology at University College London in the UK and wrote a dissertation on youth democracy in social movements.

Sahar Vardi

Sahar Vardi is an anti-militarism and anti-occupation activist from Jerusalem. She is a conscientious objector, and has been part of the Israeli refusal movement for over a decade. In recent years she led the Israel program for the American Friends Service Committee, where she helped establish the Database on Israeli Military and Security Export, and developed research and campaigns against Israeli arms export and the human rights violations associated with the industry. She recently graduated from the Rotary Peace Fellowship at the University of Bradford in the UK where she wrote her dissertation on military climate mitigation plans. Sahar is a member of WRI's Climate Justice Working Group. 

Katrin Geyer

Katrin Geyer is the Environment Advisor at the Secretariat of the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) International and is based in England. She is supporting the inclusion of ecological justice perspectives into the work of WILPF’s programmes, and oversees advocacy on the links between peace, environment, and feminist perspectives with relevant multilateral processes. Prior to this role, she has worked in WILPF’s disarmament programme and its Human Rights Programme.

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