Conscientious objector Armen Grigoryan

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Use this form to send the letter below to the relevant authority (Vartan Oskanian, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Armenia). You can add your own notes in a separate box after the standard text, if you wish. You must include a name, address, and email address; a copy will be sent to you with a cc to the WRI office (so we have a record of how many email letters have been sent out for this particular case).

Dear Mr Vartan Oskanian, Minister for Foreign Affairs

I am very concerned about the treatment of conscientious objector Armen Grigoryan by the Armenian authorities.
Armen Grigoryan was forcibly transferred to a military unit in Nagorno-Karabakh within 24 hours of his recruitment on 21 June 2004, although he asked for alternative civilian service. As he continued to refuse, he was beaten by his superiors and forced to stand in his underwear in front of 1,800 soldiers.
Although Armenia now has passed a law on conscientious objection, and some conscientious objectors have been recognised, the treatment of Armen Grigoryan is a violation of the right to conscientious objection, and in contradiction to Armenia's commitment to the Council of Europe. Armen Grigoryan managed to escape from mistreatment, and is presently hiding. He is still prepared to perfrom a genuinely civilian alternative service.
I therefore urge you to grant Armen Grigoryan his right to conscientious objection, and to stop all legal proceedings against him. I urge you to respect human rights.