List of workshops at the 1998 WRI Triennial


Written reports are available from very few workshops. This list is on the website mainly to give a flavour of the range of workshops which took place. If we have been sent a copy of a report, it will be hotlinked from this page as well as from the main Triennial page.

Sunday 20 September


  1. Movement Action Plan: a tool for analysis
    Convenors: Andreas Speck and
    Silke Kreusel, Germany
  2. Indonesia
    Convenors Yeni Damayanti, Indonesia, and Maggie Helwig, Canada
  3. The Balkan Peace Team and its work
    Convenors: Otvorene Oci
  4. Introduction to electronic networking
    Convenor: Andreas Jaeger, Germany
  5. New hi-tech arms race and how to campaign against it
    Convenor: Koen
    Moens, Belgium
  6. Economic Conversion
    Convenors: Rene Burget and Maurice Montet, France
  7. Military and Human Rights
    Convenor: Michel Monod, Switzerland
  8. Psychosocial effects of obligatory military service
    Convenor: Roselia
    Baronti, Chile
  9. International action against impunity: Cooperation Argentina-UK
    Convenor: Jean De Wandelaer, Argentina
  10. Nonviolence training and education workshop
    Convenor: Rob Fairmichael, Northern Ireland

Monday 21 September


  1. WRI for beginners: all you ever wanted to know about WRI
    Reinoud Doeschot, Netherlands and Albert Beale, Britain
  2. WRI programme on nonviolence and social empowerment
    Convenor: Howard Clark, Britain/Spain
  3. WRI Latin America working group
    Convenor: Jean De Wandelaer,


  1. Introduction to email networking
    Convenor: Andreas Jaeger, Germany
  2. Kosovo
    Convenors: Howard Clark and others
  3. Human rights and the arts
    Convenor: Roberto Arroyo, Chile
  4. Environmental action of grassroots and indigenous groups in the south of

    Convenor: José Araya, Chile
  5. War Tax Resistance Peace Tax Campaigns: the new form of conscientious
    objection to the military

    Convenor: Koen Moens, Belgium
  6. Europe without an army
    Convenor: Kai-Uwe Dosch, Germany
  7. The politics of solidarity movements
    Convenor: Ken Simons .
  8. Nonviolence training and education workshop
    Convenor: Patricio Vejar, Chile
  9. Recovering historical memory in Guatemala: the Girardi report
    Jorge Morales Toj, Guatemala


  • WRI Women's Working Group

Tuesday 22 September: Gender Day


  1. WRI Turkey-Kurdistan working group
    Convenors: Rudi Friedrich. Franz
    Nadler, Germany, and Serdar Tekin, Turkey
  2. WRI Africa working group
    Convenors: Jan Van Criekinge, Belgium; Matt
    Meyer, USA.
  3. Continuation of Latin America working group


  1. Experiences of war
    Convenor: Carmen Magallón, Spain
  2. Gender and body language
    Convenor: Imke Kreusel, Germany
  3. IFoR's Women PeaceMakers Programme
    Convenor: Shelley Anderson
  4. Masculinity and militarism [men only]
    Convenor: Andreas Speck,
  5. Violence and gender
    Convenor: Vesna Terselic, Croatia/Slovenia
  6. Women in the peace and anti-war movements: why do we organise separately?
    Convenors: Siân Jones and Aida
  7. Introduction to email networking
    Convenor: Andreas Jaeger, Germany
  8. Children seen as citizens: a human rights perspective
    Convenor: Francis Valverde,
  9. Peace work on the internet: Introduction to a university course
    Convenor: Hakan Kellgren, Sweden

Thursday 24 September


  1. ARK for beginners
  2. Campaign on asylum right for Algerian war resisters
    Convenor: Maurice
    Montet, France
  3. WRI Strategic Planning
    Convenors: Ellen Elster and Joanne Sheehan


  1. Introduction to email networking
    Convenor: Andreas Jaeger, Germany
  2. Peace work in post-Yugoslav Countries
    Convenors: Branka Rajner, Goran
    Boziceric and Marina Masteske
  3. Progress about civilian-based defense
    Convenors: Jean Marichez, France
    and Christine Schweitzer, Germany
  4. Electronic media in the service of human rights
    Convenor: Patricio
    Vejar, Chile
  5. How to destroy your organisation
    Convenor: Pau Perez, Spain
  6. Organising for social change
    Convenor: Silke Kreusel and Andreas Speck,
  7. Identity and conflicts: two case studies
    Convenor: Teresa Duran,
  8. Complicated conflicts and complex responses
    Convenor: Jorgen Johansen,
  9. East Timor
    Convenors: Yeni Damayanti, Indonesia and Maggie Helwig,
Programmes & Projects

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