
6 August 1998


17. The Committee remains concerned about the discriminatory treatment accorded to conscientious objectors in Cyprus, who may be subject to punishment on one or more occasion for failure to perform military service. The Committee recommends that the proposed new law concerning conscientious objectors ensure their fair treatment under the law and eradicate lengthy imprisonment as a form of punishment.


05/11/1997 1 Conscription

conscription exists

The northern part of Cyprus applies conscription, but its current legal basis is unclear. Probably the laws and regulations pertaining to it are derived from and similar to the Turkish military service laws.

military service

The length of military service is 24 months. [4] [1]

After completing military service, conscripts are called up for a few days reservist training annually until they turn 50 or 55.

05/11/1997 1 Conscription

conscription exists

Conscription is enshrined in the 1960 Constitution.

The present legal basis of conscription is the 1961 Military Service Law. [4]

military service

All men aged between 18 and 50 are liable for military service. [6] [7]

The length of military service is 26 months. [4] [8]

At the end of military service regular reservist training, lasting for from several days to several weeks, is compulsory up to the age of 50 and up to the age of 65 for officers.

CCPR/C/79/Add.39; A/49/40, paras.312-333
21 September 1994


The Committee is concerned about the unfair treatment accorded to conscientious objectors in Cyprus, who are subject to an excessive period of alternative service lasting 42 months, which is not compatible with the provisions of article 18 and 26 of the Covenant, and that persons may also be subject to punishment on one or more occasion for failure to perform military service.


Suscribirse a Cyprus