Conscientious objector in Bolivia


A conscientious objector in Bolivia, José Miguel Orías, has been recognised as a CO by a court in La Paz, provided he fulfills conditions they have stipulated. The Constitutional Court will now review the decision made in La Paz; this will likely happen within the next six months. 

The Bolivian Minister of Defence has previously publicly rejected the possibility of Bolivia recoginsiing the right of conscientious objection to military service, so the Constitutional Court may mirror his opinion.

José, in an interview with ERBOL, said "I am not ashamed of what I feel, I want the courts to accept what it and to make progress towards freedom and peace in Bolivia." He hopes this will be a 'test case', inspiring other people to follow the same procedure.

Orias said he will appeal to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights if the Constitutional Court if the Constitutional Court rule against him.

Sources:, Por qué un joven acudió a la justicia para no ir al cuartel, 19 November 2015;, Joven espera fallo a su favor en el TCP o irá ante la CIDH, 21 November 2015.

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Related peace activist(s): José Miguel Orías
Related peace activist(s): José Miguel Orías