Asunción Trans antimili

Connections and discon­nections: anti­militarism, feminism, women, conscientious objection and contra-hegemonic sexualities – 10/11 May 2010

As part of the activities for 15 May 2010, an inter­national seminar will take place in Asunción, Para­guay, on 10 and 11 May 2010, organised by La comuna de Emma, Chana Y Todas las Demas in coope­ration with a range of other groups from Paraguay and Latin America.

The seminar will explore themes such as “antimilita­rism and contra-hegemonic sexualities”, “feminism, anti­militarism, and popular education”, “antimilitarism, forced sexualities, and envi­ronment”, “health, identity and resistance”, “conscien­tious objection to all things military and forced sexua­lities”, “social movements and a critical focus on gen­der in the struggle”, “nonvio­lence, sexism and social organisations”.

The seminar is followed by a three-day nonviolence training with a critical gen­der perspective, followed by some public activity in Asunción on 15 May 2010.

Programmes & Projects

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