Housmans World Peace Database now available for online search

The Housmans World Peace Database, the main project of the Housmans Peace Resource Project, is now available online.

The Housmans Peace Resource Project was established in the early 1990s by Peace News Trustees primarily to develop the World Peace Directory which has appeared annually in the Housmans Peace Diary since its first edition in 1954.

The directory became a free-standing entity, and was computerised to become the World Peace Database. This led to the information being updated more frequently than the once-a-year required by the Peace Diary, along with its expansion to encompass a larger number of groups and organisations than there was room to include in the directory in the Peace Diary. The longer database has been available in various forms beyond the annual printed format — including, now, on this website.

For the first time now, the World Peace Database is available online, and it is possible to search for entries in the online database.

The database depends on information from its users, and from the organisations in the database, or not yet in. Please contribute to the World Peace Database, to help keep it as up-to-date as possible.

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