New OHCHR report on conscientious objection


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has released a new report on conscientious objection: Approaches and challenges with regard to application procedures for obtaining the status of conscientious objector to military service in accordance with human rights standards (A/HRC/41/23).

The report includes an outline of the international legal framework with regard to conscientious objection to military service, pointing out some of the implementation gaps, as well as providing information on current trends and developments relevant to conscientious objection since 2017.

The report subsequently outlines different approaches and ongoing challenges in relation to application procedures for obtaining the status of conscientious objector to military service.

WRI was one of the civil society organisation that submitted information to the OHCHR for the report, and it is referenced a number of times in the report (see our report here).

You can read the full report of OHCHR here, or download pdf below.

Attached file
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