Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll 2001
How the list works
- First are prisoners' names (in bold), followed by their sentence (in brackets, where known), then their place of imprisonment (in bold), and finally, the reason for their detention.
- Information about countries where prisoners have had their sentences suspended, or where sentences have been served or completed during the year are in italics.
On 12 September 2001, Gevork Palyan, a Jehovah's Witness, was sentenced to one year imprisonment for refusing military service on religious grounds. Although Armenia announced an amnesty in summer 2001, which freed many Jehovah's Witnesses imprisoned for conscientious objection, new sentences occurred since. On 12 September, 13 Jehovah's Witnesses were still imprisoned or in penal colonies due to their refusal to perform military service: Khachatur Zakaryan, Amayak Karapetyan, Arman Atanyan, Vahan Mkroyan, Armen Yeghiazaryan, Vladimir Kiroyan, Vladimir Osipyan, Edgar Bagdasaryan, Aram Shahverdyan, Vachagan Hovhannisyan, Karen Vardanyan, Samvel Vardanyan and Karapet Harutyunyan. Four more awaited trial and a further five are living at home on condition that they report regularly to local police.
In Finland there still exists a very extensive conscription system (over 90% of male citizens will be called up to military service) and the number of total objectors has been rising in recent years. In 1999 totally 56 total objectors announced their refusal, which is the highest number since Jehovah's Witnesses were exempted from conscription (in 1987). The number will probably be even higher this year. This growth is partly explained by the aggravation of problems in the civilian service system (the service period of conscripts was shortened in 1998, but civilian service period has remained unchanged) but not entirely: the "unconditional" total objection, which protests against the conscription system as such, seems to be growing noticeably too. On 1 October 2001 there were 22 imprisoned total objectors in Finland.
The following ten total objectors, who will be imprisoned on 1 December, have permitted us to distribute their prison address.
- Sadri Cetinkaya (15/10/01-01/05/02)
- Jarkko Mauno (13/08/01-28/02/02)
Helsingin työsiirtola, PL 36, 01531 Vantaaa
- Mikko Korhonen (16/07/01-31/01/02)
Uudenmaan lääninvankila/ avovankilaosasto, PL 20, 05401 Jokela
- Juha Mikkola (01/09/01-20/01/02)
Satakunnan vankila, Huittisten osasto, Toivarintie 581, 32700 Huittinen
- Ilkka Tillanen (23/07/01-16/01/02)
- Lauri Pynnönen (14/08/01-01/03/02)
Naarajärven vankila, PL 1, 76851 Naarajärvi
- Aleksi Sutinen (01/06/01-17/12/01)
Kuopion vankila, PL 7, 70101 Kuopio
- Ari Saastamoinen (01/08/01-30/01/02)
Juuan avovankilaosasto, PL 26, 83901 Juuka
- Pyry Nurmi (17/10/01-04/05/02)
Suomenlinnan työsiirtola, Suomenlinna C 86, 00190 Helsinki
- Sami Heikkinen (20/08/01-09/03/02)
Naarajärven vankila, PL 1, 76851 Naarajärvi
- Malik Sharif (03/11/01-08/12/01)
z.Zt. Arrest, 8./Sanitaetsregiment 6, Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Kaserne, 25524 Breitenburg
Total objector, serving a second arrest of 21 days. Likely to be re-arrested for a further 21 days after his release.
In 2001 more and more reservists and conscripts refused to serve in the occupied territories, and some principled COs refused to serve at all - all together 32 since October 2000 (see article). They mostly receive sentences of 21 or 28 days, and receive a new call-up after their release. Check the WRI website ( for updates.
- Leonid Kressner, Military ID 7156547
Military Prison No. 6, Military postal number 03734, IDF
Arrested on 15 October, and imprisoned since, awaiting trial. He is likely to be in prison on 1 December 2001
- Eran Razgour, Military ID 7118061, (28/10/01-04/12/01)
Military Prison No. 4, Military postal number 02507, IDF
Conscientious objector, refuses enlistment. Likely to be re-imprisoned after release.
- Yair Halper, Military ID 7237405 (17/10/01-09/12/01)
Military Prison No 6, Military postal no. 03734, IDF
Conscientious objector, refuses to enlist in the army.
- Ro'i Wolman (05/11/01-02/12/01)
Military Prison No 6, Military postal no. 03734, IDF
Refuses to serve in the Occupied Territories
- Mordechai Vanunu (18 years from 30/09/86)
Ashkelon Prison, Ashkelon, Israel
Nuclear whistleblower convicted of espionage and treason - kidnapped on 30 September 1986 in Italy
Korea, Republic of
There are presently around 1500 Jehovah's Witnesses in prison for conscientious objection. About 500 are jailed each year for an average of 3 years. More information is available from:
Solidarity for Peace & Human Rights, 152-053 402-ho yunyoung-building, 1127-33 guro3-dong gurogu, Seoul, Korea, tel. +82-2-851 9086, fax 851 9087, email
Puerto Rico
There have been over one thousand people arrested for participating in civil disobedience actions at the US military base on Vieques, or in support of Vieques, most of them got a short prison sentence or were fined, only very few remain in prison now, although this number might go up because of a new round of civil disobedience actions. Check the WRI website for updates.
- Dámaso Serrano #21626-069 (14/08/01-13/12/01)
MDC Guaynabo, Apartado 2146, San Juan, PR 00922-2146
Civil disobedience action at the US military base Vieques.
State of Spain
Although conscription is not enforced any longer, some insumisios are still in prison.
- Alberto Estefanía Hurtado (2 years 4 months, out 04/03/03)
- Javier Rodríguez Hidalgo (2 years 4 months, out 20/02/04)
- Óscar Cervera García (2 years 4 months, out 03/07/03)
Prisión Militar de Alcalá de Henares, 28870-Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
- José Ignacio Royo Prieto (2 years 4 months, out 04/03/03)
Prisión Provincial de Bilbao, Lehendakari Agirre, 92, 48870-Basauri (Bizkaia)
- Jesús Belaskoain (2 years 4 months, out 08/08/02)
Centro Penitenciario de Pamplona, c/ San Roque s/n, 31.008-Iruna
- Miguel Felipe Ramos (2 years and 4 months, out 28/05/03)
Centro Penitenciario Cáceres 1, Crta. De Torrejoncillo, s/n, 100001-Cáceres
All imprisoned for "insumision" (total objection) in the barracks; declaring their total objection after entering the military barracks.
- Ander Eiguren Gandarias (out 28/01/03)
Prisión Provincial de Bilbao, Lehendakari Agirre, 92, 48870-Basauri (Bizkaia)
Imprisoned for nonviolent direct action (breaking into a military installation)
United States of America
- Philip Berrigan #14850-056 (02/02/01-01/02/02)
- Susan Crane #87783-011 (02/02/01-01/02/02)
FCI Dublin, 5701 8th Street, Dublin, CA 94568
Prince of Peace Plowshares direct disarmament action on 14 February 1997, imprisoned on 02/02/01 for probation violation due to subsequent Plowshares vs. Depleted Uranium action.
- Rev. Stephen Kelly S.J. #292-140 (19/12/99-18/03/02)
Roxbury Correctional Institution, 18701 Roxbury Rd., Hagerstown, MD 21746
"Plowshares vs. Depleted Uranium" direct disarmament of A-10 anti-tank warplanes on 19 December 1999
- David Corcoren #90282-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Oxford, PO Box 1085, Oxford, WI 53952
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- John Alfred Hunt, Jr. #90277-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
FCI Beckley, PO Box 350, Beaver, WV 25813
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Steve Jacobs #88110-020 (17/07/01-17/07/02)
Federal Prison Camp Leavenworth, P.O. Box 1000, Leavenworth, KS 66048
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Richard John Kinane #90279-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
FCI Englewood Camp, 9595 W. Quincy Avenue, Littleton, CO 80123
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Mary Lou Benson #90281-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- Rachel Louise Hayward #90286-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- Gwen Henessey #90288-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- Rebecca Kanner #90278-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- Elizabeth Anne McKenzie #90291-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- Miriam Spencer #90294-020 (10/08/01-10/02/02)
- Mary Alice Vaughan #90296-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Pekin, PO Box 6000, Pekin, IL 61555
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Dorothee M. Hennessey #90287-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
c/o 3390 Windsor St., Dubuque, IA 52001
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Lois Putzier #90292-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Phoenix, 37930 N. 45th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85086
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- John Ewers Unit B-2, #90284-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
- William Houston, Jr. Unit B-2, #90289-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Ashland, PO Box 6000, Ashland, KY 41105-6000
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Claire Marie Hanrahan #90285-020 (17/07/01-17/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Alderson, Box A, Alderson, WV 24910
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Eric Robison #90293-020 (30/07/01-30/01/02)
Federal Prison Camp Sheridan, PO Box 6000, Sheridan, OR 97378
Civil disobedience action at the School of the Americas in November 2000
- Alberto de Jesús
MCC 150 Park Row, New York, NY 10007
Sentenced to one year on 21 June 2001 for placing a Vieques and Puerto Rican flag and a "No more bombing" sign on the crown of the Empire State Building in New York. At the time of that action and arrest, he was on probation for earlier civil disobedience actions in Vieques.
- Scott Kenji Warren, #A0101453 (20/07/01-20/01/02)
Northern Reck Regional Jail, POB 109, Waswaw, VA 22572
"Throwing an object at a building" by marking the Pentagon with blood, April '01
- Scott Galindez, #87333-012 (29/10/01-28/01/02)
Metropolitan Detention Center, POB 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90053
Trespass by backcountry occupation of Vandenberg AFB to protest Star Wars missile tests, May 2001
- Josh Raisler Cohn, #90274-020 (23/05/01-23/11/01)
FPC, POB 6000, Sheridan, OR 97378
Civil disobedience at the School of the Americas in November 2000
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