Statement of Functions

War Resisters' International is primarily a global network of organisations ,groups, and individuals set up so that war resisters could support each other more effectively and to promote nonviolent action against militarism and the causes of war. WRI is an organisation in its own right as well. WRI has a programme: it initiates action and campaigns; it promotes nonviolence as a means of social transformation; and it supports organisations and individuals. WRI serves as a political forum to facilitate global discourse on hot topics such as new forms of conflict. WRI provides a platform for people who value independent thinking, base their actions on nonviolence,and feel personally responsible for their own action.


  • Linking people together: WRI sets out to link together people committed to its principles. By organising conferences and other events,by publishing magazines, pamphlets and books, and by providing information by computer, WRI brings people in contact with one another.
  • Initiating campaigns and action projects: WRI offers an international perspective on issues. Promoting and coordinating actions or projects at an international level, nonviolence lies at the heart of every action and campaign. WRI seeks to create a stable base for any action project it initiates by involving other organisations, groups and individuals who can then carry through the project, realising the importance of local support.
  • Support actions: WRI supports organisations, groups and individuals addressing the causes of war and refusing to support any kind of war. This support takes various forms, depending on means and circumstances. The Prisoners for Peace list, attending trials, organising speaking tours, and fundraising for specific campaigns are examples of this work.
  • Promotion and public education: WRI promotes nonviolence as a means of social transformation. By organising study conferences, publishing articles and books, and by stimulating discussions, WRI sets out to deepen the thinking about nonviolence and analysis from the point of view of nonviolence.
Programmes & Projects

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