Conscientious objectors Contreras, Romero, Alvarado, Silva, Arevalo, Orlandi

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Dear Sra Vivianne Blanlot Soza

I am very concerned about the situation of six conscientious objectors - Diego Contreras, Cesar Romero, Patricio Alvarado, Jaime Silva, Jorge Arevalo, and Sebastian Orlandi - who were forced to go into hiding, to avoid being recruited to the military of Chile, against their stated conscientious objection.
All six declared their conscientious objection in 2006. However, Chile so far failed to recognise the right to conscientious objection, which is a human right, derived from Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Chile is a party. The UN Human Rights Committee recently made it clear in its decision on two cases of conscientious objection from South Korea that a state party to the ICCPR is under an obligation to recognise this right in practice. Chile too is under this obligation.
Meanwhile, six youth are practicing their right, although it is being denied by the state of Chile. As a consequence, they are forced into hiding, and into living a clandestine life. This too amounts to a violation of human rights, and human dignity.
I urge you to legally recognise the right to conscientious objection, as enshrined in the ICCPR.
Meanwhile, I urge you to exempt Diego Contreras, Cesar Romero, Patricio Alvarado, Jaime Silva, Jorge Arevalo, and Sebastian Orlandi from military service, and allow them a life in human dignity, and in line with their conscience.