1 December: Prisoners for Peace Day


Since the 1950s, 1 December is celebrated as Prisoners for Peace Day, to highlight the plight of those who face imprisonment for the nonviolent actions for peace - be they conscientious objectors or direct action activists.

While WRI has a permanent Prisoners for Peace list on its website, we make a special effort to update it for Prisoners for Peace Day, and call on everyone to write cards or letters to prisoners.

We ask you to:

  • On 1 December, put aside at least one hour and write at least four cards to prisoners;
  • Get your peace group or class or meeting place to organise a card-writing session;
  • Set up a stall in your town centre, perform a bit of street theatre, or do whatever else it takes to attract attention and interest.

More information: /campaigns/prisoners_for_peace

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