

Welcome to the August issue of our newsletter. Which is a bit late because of festivities interruptions.

I would like to congratulate the EDO Decommissioners for their court victory. They show how at times taking bigger risks with our actions can bring important victories to our struggles. This risk though must be well planned if not it can backfire. I would like to thank Smash EDO for contributing to this issue.

Another important piece in this issue is the article by Wendela de Vries on the United Nations Arm Trade Treaty (ATT) which at the moment is being pushed by a number of NGOs. Wendela presents us the huge limitations and risks of such treaties, especially for those of us working against war profiteering, but at the same time the possibilities that they could open. We would like to ask you to comment on her article by going to the comment (http://wri-irg.org/comment/reply/10783#comment-form) section in the web version of the article. We would like to engage in a dialogue on the importance and risks of such treaties.

Finally I would like to point out the important work being done against Vedanta and their plans to mine the Nyamgiri mountain in Orissa. As they suffered some important setbacks both at their last AGM and on an official report by the Green Panel in India, which stated that Vedanta's mining is illegal.

Javier Gárate

Programmes & Projects

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