No war on Iraq!


Nonviolent direct actions and acts of civil disobedience international

This is a summary of some more radical actions against the war on Iraq. It includes nonviolent direct actions and actions of civil disobedience. The document consists mainly of reports from a wide range of sources -- most of the internet based. [webmaster's note: some of the original reports refer to photos which have been deleted from this version for reasons of filesize. If you are interested in locating the photos you may be able to visit the relevant link for that item]

War Resisters' International would like to hear about much more actions of civil disobedience or nonviolent direct actions -- wherever they take/took place.

Andreas Speck, War Resisters' International

01/10/02 USA, St. Louis MO
Boeing Protests Slow the Rush To War

by Byron Clemens 10:46am Wed Oct 2 '02 (Modified on 3:58am Thu Dec 19 '02), Email

Approximately 190 protestors blockade Boeing gates blocking transport of "Smart" bombs for nearly 2 hours.

Proving that civil disobedience can be civil defense; approximately 190 people effectively shut-down Boeing's "smart" bomb transportation in a demonstration October 1, 2002. 38 people were arrested at the culmination of the action which blocked three access gates at the Boeing-St. Charles facility (which is retro-fitting 19,000 dumb bombs to so-called, "smart" bombs). The direct action was attended by students, homemakers, teachers, ministers, senatorial candidates, Muslims, nuns, babies and their mothers, and members of the group Veterans for Peace. Three affinity groups took part in the direct action. One Boeing truck was delayed for 1 hour and 54 minutes. As the truck passed through the gate, after the arrests, a Boeing employee in the truck flashed a peace sign in response to the demonstrators. The demonstrators cheered their approval.


02/12/02 Britain, London
Warzone Whitehall

Warzone Whitehall, the nonviolent die-in in Whitehall on Mon. 2 Dec., initiated by voices uk, saw 90-odd people wearing bandages and blood stains lying in the road blocking traffic, leading in the end (after over two hours of dying-in) to 34 arrests.

The event started with moving and powerful statements from Mark Thomas and Caroline Lucas MEP, and proceeded with slow drumbeats to Whitehall, where a series of die-ins took place (and Rosy Bremer carried out multiple invasions of the Cabinet Office).

Thanks largely to great press work by Richard Byrne, Emma Sangster and Jo Macinnes we got on over a dozen local radio stations. Radio 5 Live, BBC and Channel 4 News; got photos into the Financial Times, the Independent, and the Guardian; were noted on Canadian TV; and were reported in the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times.

'Gabriel and Richard also got a lot of media to pick up on the Amnesty International criticism of the selective use of human rights reports, as in Jack Straw's dossier.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the die-in, to all the supporters who helped out in so many ways, and to everyone who helped financially.

08/12/02 Germany, EUCOM, Stuttgart
Demonstration and blockade of EUCOM (European Command) in Stuttgart.

150 people take part in the demonstration, 100 of them in the blockade of the main gate. 19 activists were arrested.

08/12/02 USA, St. Louis MO

A December 8 rally featuring community leaders and former Lt. Gov. Harriet Woods drew 1500, ending with a children's march to Soldier's Memorial. Fifty individuals already arrested blocking a Boeing munitions plant, over 100 more preparing for future CD.

(Bill Ramsey: 314-725-5303)

10/12/02 USA, Chicago
14+ Block Chicago's Federal Building, Are Arrested, To Protest War

by Chris Kaihatsu, Chicago IMC 7:25am Tue Dec 10 '02 (Modified on 10:34am Thu Dec 12 '02), Email

CHICAGO, Dec. 10 (IMC) - More than 14 anti-war protestors blocked the revolving doors, entranceways and a metal detector in their defiance of a US-planned escalation of bombing of Iraq.

The protestors had signed onto an Iraq Peace Pledge of Resistance, pledging and acting on their intentions to commit acts of civil disobedience to send their anti-war message to the government.

Federal Protective Service officers Mucha, Pribble and #1145 coordinated with one plainclothes and several uniformed Chicago Police officers to handcuff the protestors, leading them inside the building. Officer Mucha stated that they will be charged with criminal trespass.

Six 20- and 30-ish, white anti-war protestors took their position in the mouth of a metal detector leading to a bank of elevators. They sat down, cross-legged, and linked arms, facing outward. They displayed signs on string around their necks reading Circle of Life, Yes to Clean Water, No to War on Iraq. At other entrances, pairs of protestors sat down in revolving door quadrants, refusing to move.

"We have only just started," yelled some of the five dozen people massed around the building's southern glass wall, observing the arrests in the elevator lobby.


10/12/02 USA, Denver
150 gathered in an anti-war CD action in Denver

by Remy 2:18pm Tue Dec 10 '02 (Modified on 3:23pm Tue Dec 10 '02)

By 11pm today Dec 10, about 150 people gathered for an hour in front of the Federal Court Building in Downtown Denver to support a dozen people who decided to engage in civil disobedience. The event was sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center and the Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace, among other local organizations. There were no arrests.

10/12/02 USA, Sacramento CA
Nine arrested in Sacramento anti-war protest

Anti-war protester Jane Harper joined more then two dozen others demonstrating against a war with Iraq outside the federal courthouse in Sacramento on Tuesday. Harper and eight others were taken into custody by federal police for unlawful assembly when they stood in front of the courthouse doors.

By Dorothy Korber -- Bee Staff Writer

Published 1:15 p.m. PST Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Nine anti-war activists were handcuffed and cited during a demonstration Tuesday morning at the U.S. Courthouse in downtown Sacramento, part of a nationwide protest against potential American involvement in a war against Iraq.

Led by the local Veterans for Peace chapter, the nine protestors sang and smiled as federal officers cited them for blocking the entrance to the building at Fifth and I streets. Similar acts of civil disobedience occurred during protests in New York City, Hartford, Conn., and Binghamton, N.Y., according to national organizers of the Iraq Pledge of Resistance.

In Sacramento, Ida Curtice, 69, was one of those handcuffed and cited. "This is an act of civil disobedience," said the retired kindergarten teacher. "We see it as obedience to a higher moral law."

Sacramentan Pat Driscoll, a U.S. Navy veteran of the Vietnam War, said the demonstrations were planned to coincide with International Human Rights Day. "As a veteran, I'm called once again to defend liberty -- this time especially for the innocent civilians of Iraq," he said.


10/12/02 USA, New York City
A Sacred Day in New York (12/10/02)

Today the faith-based revolt against the impending war in Iraq poured out of hallowed halls and into the streets. Joining people in 120 other cities and towns under the banner of United for Peace, New York's religious leaders celebrated International Human Rights

Day by bearing witness to the poverty and suffering of those both in Iraq and at home. Before the day's end, the mass arrest of interfaith leadership marked the arrival of still another dimension of the burgeoning anti-war movement.

The stage seemed to be set by a full-page ad in The New York Times on December 4, placed by the National Council of Churches. President Bush was pictured with his head bowed in prayer. The caption, reminding the president of his lip service to his own faith motivations, pleaded to him: "Jesus changed your heart. Now let him change your mind."

While religious communities have long been at the forefront of anti- war activism, they showed their collective force today. Following an interfaith vigil in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, more than 100 ministers, imams, rabbis, nuns, lay leaders, seminarians, and faith-based community organizers blocked the sidewalk and were arrested in front of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

The accused, after being divided by gender, were packed into two holding cells at the NYPD's 17th Precinct. Among the 60 men in our cage were Rev. Herbert Daughtry (pastor of Brooklyn's House of the Lord Church), Rev. Luis Barrios (liberation priest at St. Mary's and San Romero), Ben Cohen (co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream), Imam Faiz Khan (of the Asma Society), Rev. Peter Laarman (minister of Judson Memorial Church), and Daniel Ellsberg (publisher of the Pentagon Papers).

While it has so far been impossible to receive reports from the women's side, it appeared that at least as many women were arrested.

Among the women inside was the director of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Cheri Honkala. She arrived to town yesterday from a month-long, nationwide bus caravan for economic human rights, to host a "Truth Commission" on poverty in front of the United Nations.

The coordination of anti-war and anti-poverty protests was fitting. After all, we were reminded, Saddam Hussein isn't the one closing welfare centers and cutting off unemployment benefits. The violence that our government commits abroad is funded by the violence of poverty at home.

Most in the men's cell wore clerical garb; many were carrying sacred texts; one smuggled in the "Prison Journals of a Priest Revolutionary" by Philip Berrigan.

Father Berrigan, a Jesuit priest who spent 11 years of his life in prison for anti-war civil disobedience, succumbed to cancer last week. His spirit seemed to hover over the space as the jailed read his words aloud.

The holding cell became a forum for prayer, storytelling, announcements, an impromptu teach-in, planning for next steps, and loud singing and clapping.

An Episcopal archbishop stopped by the precinct to see if the conditions inside were adequate. One of the jailed ministers responded: "We're doing fine. The problems are out there." Eager to return to daylight, they were nevertheless experiencing a rare fellowship forged of shared commitment.

The day was, in a sense, a reunion. Many of the seasoned jailed clergy already knew each other, from their work with Latin American liberation movements, the Civil Rights Movement, the struggle in Vieques, the Plowshares movement for disarmament, and more. It was as if they were renewing their vows; they were recommitting to an old, sacred struggle with some new details, and welcoming the younger among them.

One of the "secular saints" inside, Daniel Ellsberg, proudly introduced his 25 year old son, Michael, on this occasion of his first arrest. He told a story of 25 years ago, when baby Michael was only 3 months old.

Back then, his father first presented him to some of the same people in this very cell, saying: "I want you to introduce you to your future co-conspirators."

After all that time, they were meeting again.

Of course, the day's action was not the first step in a movement that is rapidly gaining momentum, but it was among the first broad and active religious responses. The protesters followed the lead of 2000 New York City students, from middle-school to high school and college age, who walked out of school last week to march against the war. And it anticipates this Saturday's Uptown March for Peace and Justice, to be led by youth of color from Washington Heights, Harlem, and the Bronx.

Prior to today's civil disobedience, Rev. James Lawson, who was responsible for much of the training in nonviolent resistance during the Civil Rights Movement, addressed the participants. He admonished that the severity of the impending war in Iraq will demand much more than symbolic protest. It will require Americans, especially people of faith, to render the war plans of this administration literally unmanageable ... blocking traffic in the streets, standing in front of government agency doorways, sitting on the floors of congressional offices, and choosing the rite of passage into the nation's jails.

He was giving voice to a call that more and more people of conscience, both within and outside religious institutions, hear in their hearts. It is a call from a creative force in the universe, of many names or no name at all, to block this war machine with both their spirits and their bodies. Today is a hopeful indication that faith leaders, en masse, are answering.

Submitted to Portside by Chris Vaeth


10/12/02 USA, Springfield MA

With over 250 Pledge signers so far, holding a demonstration and nonviolent civil disobedience action on December 10.

(Joanne Comerford: 413-584-8975; Geoff Lobenstine: 413-256-8647)

10/12/02 USA, Binghamton NY

With over 50 Pledge signers so far, twelve are planning CD for Dec. 10, to be supported by rally and die-in on streets of downtown Binghamton.

(George Haeseler: 607-729-1044)

10/12/02 USA, Hartford CT

Twenty individuals, including Wesleyan University students, will be participating in nonviolent resistance on December 10.

(John Humphries: 203-757-4852)

10/12/02 USA, Tallahassee FL

With over 100 Pledge signers, a resolution being worked through city council and a prominent anti-war direct action planned for December 10.

(Robert Davis: 850-224-8799)

10/12/02 USA, Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa anti-war protest draws nearly 200

Activists block military recruiting office lobby, oppose school recruiting


Almost 200 people gathered Tuesday outside a Santa Rosa military recruiting office to protest a possible war in Iraq.

The protest was one of about 120 across the country, timed to coincide with International Human Rights Day.

Santa Rosa's protest lasted about four hours. Participants blocked the lobby of the recruiting office and stood along both sides of Mendocino Avenue.

A huge white banner was hanged over the front of the office. It read, "Hey recruiters, leave our kids alone."

Protesters briefly sat in the middle of Mendocino Avenue, blocking traffic. They moved when asked by police to return to the sidewalk.

Erin Gwynn, 23, of Rohnert Park was driving by when she saw the protest under way and stopped to participate. "It's the least I can do," she said.

Gwynn, like several others, said in addition to opposing a war in Iraq she wanted to protest the recently signed homeland security bill, which allows military recruiters direct access to high school students.

"I don't want them trying to recruit my little sister," Gwynn said.

Others said they believed the real intention of President Bush is to get at Iraq's oil supply. And they feared that no matter what the current hunt for weapons of mass destruction turns up in Iraq, Bush will take the United States to war.

"The federal government should give (the inspections) a chance to work. They're going to do this without the consent of the people," Schuyler Erle, 25, of Sebastopol, said.

Nationwide, more than 100 people were arrested in protests, mostly for blocking buildings and disorderly conduct.

In Sacramento, nine people were taken into custody for blocking the entrance to a federal courthouse.

Although recruiters in Santa Rosa requested that protesters in the office foyer be arrested, and some protesters wanted to be arrested, none was taken into custody.

Police officers had requested that they not force arrests because it would have required more officers, who would have been pulled from other duties around the city.

The protesters agreed to go after recruiters quit early for the night and closed the office.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. You can reach Staff Writer Randi Rossmann at 521-5249 or Copyright © 2002 The Press Democrat

14/12/02 Britain
USAF Fairford Mass Weapons Inspection Reports

by No Star Wars 10:42pm Sat Dec 14 '02 (Modified on 3:16pm Sun Dec 15 '02)

Between four and five hundred anti-war campaigners braved the damp, chilly weather today to show they will not allow USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire to be used to bomb Iraq.

The day began with a march from Fairford town centre to the main gate of RAF Fairford.

The Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors explained to the crowd they suspected Fairford base might contain weapons of mass destruction and asked to be let in. None of the security guards would speak to them so they put their request in song and the crowd joined in.

Several participants, including mayor of nearby Stroud, John Marjoram, then spoke to the crowd. One young child asked why the billions being spent on the bombers couldn't be spent on hospitals instead.

Then a stealth bomber, held up with wooden sticks, swooped on the crowd who fell to the ground by Fairford's main entrance as it passed over.

Finally, using cycle generated power, some musicians performed an anti-war rap song for the remaining protestors. (includes pictures). Also see:

14/12/02 Britain
Sabotage the war effort!

by Donald Rumsfeld 4:38pm Sun Dec 15 '02 (Modified on 3:12pm Sun Dec 22 '02)
Activists attack Menwith Hill spy base. Its time to stop the war!

On Saturday night a number of peace activists attacked targets within the Menwith Hill spy base causing tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage. Menwith Hill is the intelligence hub for co-ordinating the war effort against Iraq and is totally unaccountable to people in the UK. Activists broke through the security fences and disabled key elements of the base's covert listening apparatus. The damage will severely limit the base's ability to intercept communications and cost the US thousands to repair. We need to attack the US's ability to wage war which will lead to the inevitable deaths of 1000's of people. We can stop this war, we can stop star wars. Talking is not enough; marching is not enough; we cannot ask and expect the state to respond. This action was taken in order to inspire others to take the action necessary to stop this war.

15/12/02 Japan

Action against deployment of Japanese destroyer in war on Iraq.

20/12/02 Britain
Catholic Worker action at Northwood

On Sunday December 20 at 3.30pm members of the London Catholic Worker were arrested and charged with criminal damage at Northwood Military Headquarters. Scott Albrecht, Angela Broome and Damien Prescott poured red paint from baby bottles (symbolising blood) on the two main gate signs at Northwood Military Headquarters in an Advent peace action. This action was done in hope of stopping the impending death that awaits Iraqi civilians when the war kicks off. Scott Albrecht, 41, former U.S. Military and father of four said, "We know from professor Marc Herrold of the University of New Hampshire that 3767 Afghan civilians died as a result of aerial bombardment by this time last year. One year on, American and British troops are preparing for a ground invasion of Iraqi. The MoD announced this

week that they are officially massing troops and weaponry for war on Iraq. Our hope is that this action will draw the attention of the local residence of Northwood to the impending war planned against one of the poorest nations in the world. When those that work here see the red paint on their own base sign we hope they will be reminded not to shed the blood of their Iraqi brothers and sisters.?Angela Broome, 67, a Christian peace activist from east London stated, "Northwood NATO Headquarters is a communications centre for the western nations armed forces. As people of London, we need to acknowledge our part in servicing the armed attacks undertaken and threatened on our behalf. In the way of Jesus, my life-and my freedom must be sacrificed in resisting the use of superior force, which will maim and destroy other lives.?

Damien Prescott, 32, Researcher from Hendon stated, It is an outrage that our government cynically exploits the suffering of the Iraqi people under Saddam in order to justify its own murderous exploits. Over two hundred thousand people were killed during the last Gulf War - a figure the "dovish" Colin Powell candidly admitted he was "not particularly interested in". Since then, over a million innocent Iraqis have perished as a result of sanctions. The British and American governments have yet to apologise for the crucial support they gave Saddam while he was perpetrating his worst atrocities. Through manufactured crisis after manufactured crisis, we have brought the people of Iraq to their knees. Now we prepare to deliver the final body-blow. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people could be killed. We must make the connection between the violence of the Iraqi regime and the violence our government is proposing to visit on innocent people who have suffered long enough. Neither can be justified. No war for oil.?

Contact Scott on 07941773542


08/01/03 Britain
Anti-war train drivers refuse to move arms freight

Kevin Maguire, Thursday January 9, 2003, The Guardian

Train drivers yesterday refused to move a freight train carrying ammunition believed to be destined for British forces being deployed in the Gulf.

Railway managers cancelled the Ministry of Defence service after the crewmen, described as "conscientious objectors" by a supporter, said they opposed Tony Blair's threat to attack Iraq.

The anti-war revolt is the first such industrial action by workers for decades.

The two Motherwell-based drivers declined to operate the train between the Glasgow area and the Glen Douglas base on Scotland's west coast, Europe's largest Nato weapons store.

English Welsh and Scottish Railway (EWS), which transports munitions for the MoD as well as commercial goods, yesterday attempted to persuade the drivers to move the disputed load by tomorrow.

Leaders of the Aslef rail union were pressed at a meeting with EWS executives to ask the drivers to relent. But the officials of a union opposed to any attack on Iraq are unlikely to comply.

The two drivers are understood to be the only pair at the Motherwell freight depot trained on the route of the West Highland Line.

An EWS spokesman declined to confirm the train had been halted, although he insisted no drivers had refused to take out the trains.

"We don't discuss commercial issues," he said.

"The point about the two drivers is untrue and we don't discuss issues about meetings we have."

Yet his claim was flatly contradicted by a well-placed rail industry source who supplied the Guardian with the train's reference number.

The MoD later said it had been informed by EWS that mechanical problems, caused by the cold winter weather, had resulted in the train's cancellation.

One solution under discussion yesterday between the MoD and EWS was to transport the shipment by road to avoid what rail managers hoped would be an isolated confrontation.

Dockers went on strike rather than load British-made arms on to ships destined for Chile after the assassination of leftwing leader Salvador Allende in 1973.

In 1920 stevedores on London's East India Docks refused to move guns on to the Jolly George, a ship chartered to take weapons to anti-Bolsheviks after the Russian revolution.

Trade unions supporting workers who refuse to handle weapons could risk legal action and possible fines for contempt of court.

Lindsey German, convener of the Stop the War Coalition, said: "We fully support the action that has been taken to impede an unjust and aggressive war. We hope that other people around the country will be able to do likewise."

The anti-war group is organising a second national demonstration in central London on Saturday February 15. Organisers claimed more than 400,000 people attended a protest in September.

11/01/03 Britain, Portsmouth
Anti war pledger arrested blockading Ark Royal naval base

An anti war pledger (1) was arrested today whilst attempting to blockade the naval base at Portsmouth from which the Ark Royal and several other warships were due to depart for the Gulf to take part in an attack on Iraq. He was blockading the main gate with 2 other pledgers when MOD police dragged him into a 'prohibited area' of the base and then arrested him under local byelaws for being in a prohibited area! When Rosie Bremer, another pledger tried to join him in the 'prohibited area' she was ejected without being arrested. The blockade lasted 90 minutes, from 7.30 am-9 am.

The pledgers, who also tried to board several of the warships, were there to try and obstruct the convoy headed for the Gulf and to raise public awareness of opposition to the proposed attacks on Iraq.

One of the Pledgers, Rosie Bremer, said "It just doesn't stand easy with me. This war minded government isn't thinking for the ordinary Iraqi people, nor it's own. As innocent Iraqi people die from this war, history may feel obliged to lay the large part of the responsibility for their murders on these men who are sent off to kill 'for their country' today. There is still time to halt this war and that's why we are here."

Contact 02392 818849/ 0795 1000955 for more details

15/01/03 USA, Milwaukee MN
6 arrested in nonviolent blockade

An interfaith organization of forty five congregations, Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH) held a rally at the Federal Building housing the offices of Senator Herb Kohl and military recruiting headquarters. Six ministers were arrested after their nonviolent blockade of the entrance.

(Rev. Dennis Jacobsen, 414-372-1600 or 414-967-8083)

15/01/03 USA, New Boston NH
4 arrested for blocking entrance of New Boston Air Station

Four individuals were arrested in sub zero (-10 F) weather for blocking the entrance to the New Boston Air Station. The air station is part of the satellite network of the US Space Command, and as such provides the guidance for U.S. "smart"munitions that would be used in a war on Iraq.

(Sean Donahue,, 603-228-0559)

16/01/03 USA, Tucson AZ
AntiWar Protest: 6 Arrested A Tucson Federal Building

by Jeff o Thursday January 16, 2003 at 02:42 PM

6 people were arrested today for criminal trespass at the Federal Building in Downtown Tucson today as part of an No War in Iraq protest

6 people were arrested from blocking the entrance to the Federal Building in downtown Tucson today. This was part of the National Iraq Pledge of Resistance. Groups all over the country are committing nonviolent acts of resistance to show our friends, our family and our government that we will not support a racist war for oil.

The six people walked up to the front door of the federal building and sat down and blocked the front entrance of the building for about a half hour. There were representatives of the media there (Channel 4, Pan Left, Telemundo, etc?). We made our point with a big banner. The police knew had heard rumors that we were planning something and we told them that we wanted to make a statement and then be arrested.

There was a good crowd out to support us, cheering us on and showing the people driving by signs and banners opposing the war. The whole event went really well.

We were all cited with criminal trespass and will appear in court on the 28th of January. I am scheduled for early in the morning.

It was awesome to see so many people out to oppose the war for an impromptu action. Sunny day, media, lots of water and lots of friends. What more could you ask for?

See you in court!


16/01/03 USA, Los Angeles
17 Arrested in Civil Disobedience Die-In Downtown

by Shady, Rebecca, Karen © Thursday January 16, 2003 Thut 05:49 PM

January 16, 2003

Marking Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday & Anniversary of Gulf War Seventeen So-Cal Residents Arrested in LA's First First Ever Civil Disobedience Opposing a New War on Iraq

Former U.S. Naval Submarine Officer Who Served in Gulf War and Wife of Star of TV Series The Practice Among those Arrested

LOS ANGELES (Jan 16)--Seventeen Los Angeles County residents were arrested today at 11:00 AM outside the downtown Federal Building when they staged street theater to dramatize their opposition to a new invasion of Iraq and express their hope for a peaceful US foreign policy. Participants in the action held a mock "funeral ceremony for the casualties of war" and called on the Bush Administration to reconsider its drive for another Gulf War.

"I feel the need to take whatever nonviolent action I can to prevent this immoral war and the killing of more innocent children," said Jeff Brown, a former U.S. Naval submarine officer who was arrested during the action. "I served in the first Gulf War and I have friends in the Navy who have told me they are encouraged by the work we do as peacemakers."

"Following the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr., I feel it is our right to dissent and speak out against hypocracy," said actress Shiva Rose, wife of actor Dylan McDermott, who stars in the popular TV drama "The Practice". "As a mother of a child I want to ensure a world where peace prevails and not bloodshed for oil."

During the dramatic ceremony, a grim "War" figure stood in the shadowed by a looming puppet of a white man in a suit. Members of the group laid out flowers and coffins as a reminder of the casualties of the Gulf War and crippling UN sanctions, as well as the domestic and moral costs of war. During a "litany of casualties," group members lay on the sidewalk, blocking the steps to the Federal Building, alongside coffins labeled "Truth," "American Soldiers," "Iraqi Civilians," "Healthcare," "Civil Liberties" and the "Dream of MLK." As the group was arrested, the puppet transformed into one of a mother and infant.

"Many of those arrested today are doing this for the first time," said Shady Hakim, an organizer with the American Friends Service Committee, who sponsored the action locally. "These are ordinary people who are willing to face personal risk to express their opposition to an aggressive war on Iraq." Those arrested included: Shiva Rose McDermott, actor and wife of Dylan McDermott; Steve Abagon, a 26 year old Filipino-American Rock musician; Marlene Bronte, a senior and long-time activist; Jeff Brown, a former U.S. naval submarine officer who served during the Gulf War; Jeff Dietrich, a long-time faith-based activist with the Los Angeles Catholic Worker; Allis Druffel, a Director of Community Services at a large Catholic parish in the Los Angeles area; Roger Eaton, a programmer and web designer from Los Angeles; John Harris, a teacher, whose students are reading Thoreau's essay on Civil Disobedience. Also, Barbara Johns, a 30 year-old working in the film industry; Bob McCloskey a union representative who traveled to Iraq to deliver medicine; John McClean, a human resources representative; Kathy Pliska, a teacher in Long Beach and mother of two; Dan Merrit, a professor and grandfather of five; Bert Newton, a Mennonite minister from Pasadena; Jean Cone from San Gabriel; and Linda Harmon, a retired LAUSD teacher.

The local group is part of the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, a nationally coordinated civil disobedience campaign against a war or on Iraq. Coming on the heels of a mass rally in Los Angeles on Saturday, the "funeral" is a part of a national week of action called by the Iraq Pledge of Resistance and major peace groups all over the country to resist the Bush Administration's drive for another Gulf War.

Source: (Shady Hakim, AFSC, 626-791-1978, x131,

16/01/03 USA, New York City
King Day Anti-War Protest A Success

16 anti-war demonstrators were arrested in front the US Armed Forces Recruiting Station in Times Square during a January 16th commemoration of Martin Luther King Junior's birthday. The multi-generational event featured a peaceful procession and civil disobedience led by grandparents concerned over the drafting of our youth for war and called for a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi crisis. Other participants shared excerpts from Doctor King's impassioned speeches against militarism..

(Ken Estey, 212-870-2304 or Carol Huston, Source:

17/01/03 Germany
Blockade of Rhein-Main Airbase, Frankfurt

Vor der US-Airbase in Frankfurt am Main beteiligten sich am Freitag mittag etwa 60 Personen, darunter PDS-Bundesgeschäftsführer Uwe Hiksch und -Vorstandsvize Diether Dehm, an einer Sitzblockade. Organisiert wurde die Protestaktion auf der Zufahrtstraße zum Militärgelände von der "Initiative Ordensleute für den Frieden" (IOF). Deren Sprecher Gregor Böckermann zeigte sich gegenüber jW mit der Aktion gegen die laufende Kriegsvorbereitung der USA zufrieden. Die Polizei beendete die Blockadeaktion mit einer Räumung und nahm mindestens 40 Personen, darunter die beiden PDS-Spitzenpolitiker, fest.


18/01/03 USA, Lexington, KY

A group of women will nonviolently block the gates of the Blue Grass Army Depot. A major source of small arms ammunition to the U.S. military, ammunition from the depot would be used in any war in Iraq.

(Beth Rosdatter,, 859-268-6243)

18/01/03 Netherlands
Dutch civil inspectors use their own keys to access military air base!

Volkel, Netherlands, January 18th, 2003

Several civil inspectors, checking the weapons of mass destruction at the Dutch military air base at Volkel in the South east of the Netherlands today, used their own keys to enter the base unhindered.

Before the start of the inspections several padlocks were seemingly replaced by new ones. The inspection teams had the fitting keys on them.

Around 3 pm police were busy arresting the inspectors who had gained access to the grounds. 125 of them were officially registered as parttakers with the orgainisers of the inspections.

The civil inspections of the US arms of mass destruction stationed at Volkel is initiated by the Anti New War activist Group Netherlands, a peace group formed by more than 200 organisations.

The initiative is in synch with demonstrations held in the US, where January 18th is Martin Luther King day, a national anti war day. Around the globe more groups are supporting the protests with demonstrations, pickets and civil inspections.

Core reason for these global actions is the strange fact that the US government expects of Irak to show all they have in relation to weapons of mass destruction, while they themselves keep their own information and arms top secret. If Irak has to openly show their weapons and their plans, so should the US, and with them all governments supporting the US claims and policy, accouring to the Dutch Anti New War group.

For those who speak Dutch: you can find more news on the Dtuch demonstrations going on at: or at and Source: Photos:

18/01/03 Britain, Northwood
Activists put British military HQ Northwood on the map

Anti war activists put Britain's military HQ on the map today at Northwood, staging a mass breach of the official secrets act (OSA). Over 150 activists took photos of the base where the British military is planning war on Iraq, an action which is forbidden under the OSA in an action titled Operation Internal Look. Nevertheless dozens of press journalists joined the activists, some of whom carried giant binoculars, cameras and telescopes in capturing images of the highly sensitive base, which is not even marked on street maps.

They were also joined by George W Bush, who rode in on a pantomime horse decorated with a mask of Tony Blair, who last week was described by Jeremy Paxman, BBC Newsnight presenter, "as the rear end of George Bush' pantomime horse". George W delivered a sharp smack with a fly swatter if Tony showed any sign of flagging in his support. The action today was organised by Voices in the Wilderness UK, ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) and the D10 group. Tomorrow (Sunday 19th January) there will be a blockade of the base, meeting at 11 am at Northwood tube and marching up to the main gate of the base.

Sian Jones, of the D10 group, said, "Today, with the help of the world's media, Northwood has been put on the map. We hope many more people will come and join us here tomorrow and blockade this base from which Britain is planning to unleash terror on the 22 million people of Iraq."

As expected nobody was arrested for breaching the official secrets act but bizarrely the police did arrest Angela Broome, 67, a Christian Peace activist from east London, apparently because they mistakenly thought she was under bail conditions to not go within 1 mile of Northwood because of her involvement in an action redecorating the sign at Northwood with fake blood on December 22 2002.

0845 458 2564/ 0794 783 9992

19/01/03 Britain, Northwood
70 arrests at military HQ anti war blockade

70 anti war activist have been arrested at Britain's military HQ, Northwood, after blocking the main gate for over 8 hours and a side gate for 90 minutes.

A crowd of 400 had gathered in the road in front of the main gate in a good-natured gathering as a samba band and a cycle powered sound system played.

The blockade got off to an early start as 6 anti war activists from Oxford arrived at 9 am with a 5-foot wide pair of purple Y-fronts, which they locked their arms inside. The pants were decorated with a slogan "War is pants" (pics available). By 2pm the activists had been cut out of their pants by police with metal cutting apparatus. Meanwhile 4 other activists had locked themselves to the side gate in Atria Road where they were arrested for highway obstruction.

The blockade was organised by Voices in the Wilderness UK, ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) and the D10 group. The action is the second day of a weekend of non-violent direct action against war at Northwood.

This event is the latest in a series of non-violent direct actions as the growing anti war movement responds with increasing urgency to the threat of war. In December Voices in the Wilderness staged Warzone Whitehall, a mass sit down in Whitehall. 2 weeks later the Gloucester Weapons Inspectors staged a mass weapons inspection at USAF Fairford, expected to host US B2 stealth bombers. Today's arrest tally is the largest at a peace protest in England since the first Gulf War in 1991.

A sit down protest is being organised by ARROW ( after the Stop the War march on 15 February and next Sunday 26th January the Gloucestershre Weapons Inspectors will return to Fairford (

Richard Byrne of ARROW and Voices in the Wilderness said, "War on Iraq will bring death to hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. The UN says the consequences of another Gulf War would be worse than the 1991 war. Today, Britain's military HQ has been effectively closed by ordinary people prepared to put their liberty on the line for peace. To stop this war people have to move from dissent to disobedience. That's why over 3000 people in the UK have signed a pledge of resistance to engage in nonviolent direct action against the so-called war on terrorism. If this Government backs the US war on Iraq they will encounter civil disobedience on an unprecedented scale."

0845 458 2564/ 0794 7839992

19/01/03 USA, Washington
Pledge of Resistance march

Article 1: On Sunday, Jan. 19, Pledge of Resistance activists marched on the White House and were joined by scores of youth

Just as exciting as Saturday's ANSWER demonstration was Sunday's Pledge of Resistance rally and march from Farragut Park to the white house, where the weekend's only mass civil disobedience occurred.

Four hundred people gathered at the park as part of a coalition promise to act in non-violent civil disobedience if U.S. war on Iraq gains immanency. Two people from Charlottesville and one woman from Louisa said they planned to engage in civil disobedience at the white house and expected to be arrested.

Jennifer Connor, 26, of Charlottesville said she believed her actions were justified. "In this society, if it is lawful for our government to commit war crimes, then I don't think we should be living as lawfully abiding citizens,"she said.

Speakers at the rally decried the recent and inhumane detentions and profiling of foreign immigrants and the culture of violence the U.S. extolls. Ruby Sayles, founder of the Freedom House, railed against the corrupt policies of the U.S. government.

"U.S. war on Iraq is symptomatic of a larger evil,"she said. "It's necessary to make a connection between war on Iraq and a U.S. war on the poor and progressive communities here and abroad."

The protesters marched up Connecticut Avenue to Lafayette Park, which is behind the presidential mansion. The crowd approached the park, which was filled with cops in riot gear and flexi-cuffs at hand and asked the police permission for peaceful entrance to the park. After citing post Sept.11 regulations that prohibit gatherings of 25 or more people in the park, the police denied the request and the crowd sat in the street.

"This is completely unacceptable,"said one organizer. "This is the people's park."As people awaited the results of protester and police negotiations, a huge crowd of running youth stormed around a corner a block away from the sit-in, shouting and cheering and ran to join the demonstration.

The kids clobbered together at the gates of the park and demanded entrance. Many took the opportunity to vault themselves over the gates blocking the park and Connor was one of the first to be carried away by the police.Source: 2:

Thousands of folks, from the Iraq Pledge of Resistance, including long-time DAWN participant Pat Elder, and ANSWER's Student and Youth demonstrators, met at Farragut Square and marched to the White House to tell President Bush, "We don't want your racist war."

Over 100 people lined up along H Street, just north of Lafayette Park, to conduct peaceful civil disobedience. Police prevented these people from entering the park and hence the demonstrators decided on a different tactic. They quickly moved into the street, sat down, and blocked traffic. In response, police rushed towards protestors, some with an explicit rage knocking people unconconcious like Pat Elder and and and eighty year old woman.

Police dragged protestors off the street but would not arrest them. The crowd of supporters who lined up on the north side of H Street chanted and sang while witnessing the civil disobedience. Soon after, all the demonstrators came together and marched back to Farragut Park. They wound down their protest with what is called a "spiral dance" and dispersed by 4pm.

The Iraq Pledge is a nationwide drive to enlist people who are willing to commit nonviolent civil disobedience to demonstrate their opposition to the Iraq War.

Contact: Gordon Clark,, 301-589-2355

20/01/03 USA, King of Prussia PA
MLK Day anti war demo at Lockeed Martin

Activists brave the cold in King of Prussia, PA to protest the involvement of Lockeed Martin in the US military build-up against Iraq

By Sebastian Petsu

Around 150 activists braved the cold on Martin Luther King day in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania to protest the involvement of arms contractor Lockheed Martin in the US military build up against Iraq. Lockheed Martin, the #1 military contractor in the US, has facilities in King of Prussia.

Near the facility and the King of Prussia Mall, protestors waved assorted signs and banners condemning war on Iraq and the billions of dollars spent on nuclear arms produced by Lockeed Martin. Speakers included Linda Panetta of School of the Americas Watch Northeast, Johanna Berrigan of the Catholic Worker, Gordon Parks and Bob Nevlin of the Brandywine Peace Community, the organization that sponsored the event. Preceeding these speeches were audio clips of Dr. Martin Luther King, jr's speeches against war.

The banners, signs and drums got a number of different reactions from passing vehicles. Many honked their horns in support, giving the peace sign or a "thumbs up." Others shouted obscenities and gave a 'thumbs down" or a raised middle finger.

The demonstration ended with a procession to the entrance of the Lockheed Martin facility. Around 20 activists with banners formered a human blockade in the driveway. Police were on site and within 20 minutes all those in the blockade were arrested.

No other arrests were made.

Organizations represented in the protest included the Simple Way Community, WILPF, Unitarian Universalists, Voices in the Wilderness, the Catholic Worker, and School of the Americas Watch Northeast.


21/01/03 USA, Raleigh NC
North Carolina: Mass die-in

North Carolinians Are Dying for Peace

by Phillip Bailey © Thursday January 23, 2003 at 02:27 PM

Anti-war demonstrators from all over North Carolina converged on Raleigh Tuesday to stop a war on Iraq before it starts. The protest was part of a statewide day of action to avert another war in the Persian Gulf.

RALEIGH -- (January 21) A dozen black-clad bodies laid covered in fake blood, strewn across the steps of the Federal Building in Raleigh's Fayetteville Street Mall while authorities did nothing for most of the day.

The bodies were those of anti-war activists staging a die-in at Raleigh's Fayetteville Street Mall to call upon the senator to end his enthusiastic support for a war they argued will result in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of horrific deaths of innocent Iraqi civilians. Nearly 300 anti-war demonstrators rallied against the Bush administrations rush to war at an event organized by North Carolinian's for Alternatives to War.

The blood was not real but what it represented was. Symbolic bomb victim Dr. Catherine Lutz (UNC-CH Anthropology) explained that the die-in protest action was meant to show what happens to civilians in wartime. "We're trying to evoke the panic and horror of war,"Lutz said. "A square like this in the middle of a city would be littered with human bodies."

The hundreds of demonstrators present carried signs reading "No Blood for Oil,""Peace Cannot Be Kept By Force,"and "Super Power Bully"among others. Some employed aspects of street theatre. A giant dove on stilts spread its wings in opposition to war and black-clad, silent mourners came to mourn the metaphorical dead.

UNC Freshman, Anna Carson DeWitt, a member of Chapel Hill based, Campaign to End the Cycle of Violence (CECV) also participated in the civil disobedience action. Carson-DeWitt said she felt that as war loomed closer concerned North Carolinians must be willing to increase their commitment to stop the impending massacre of Iraqi civilians. "I think at this point we need to do whatever it takes in order to stop this invasion and the suffering it is going to bring. This (war) cannot be allowed to happen. It is absolutely unacceptable to inflict this kind of torture on other human beings."

Patrick O'Neil, a founding member of North Carolinians for Alternatives to War, the group that coordinated the statewide protest agreed. "Human beings should be able to find non-violent ways to resolve their conflicts."He said he disagreed with those who contend that protesting government policy is un-patriotic. "Dissent is the lifeblood of a democracy."

O'Neil said he is the father of seven children and he wanted them to grow up in a peaceful world. He said he thought the anti-war movement was already gaining critical mass to stop a war in Iraq. "Unlike the Vietnam war, where it took years for a movement to build, here the resistance is already enormous."

Senator Edwards has been one of the Democratic Party's most outspoken hawks and his bid for the presidency lends increased volume to his position. Phil Jones of Peace 1st spoke to rebuke Edwards for what many protestors said they viewed as cynical attempts to curry votes by exploiting Americans'fears. "You are not doing a good job as our senator,"Jones said. "Get on the right platform, Senator Edwards and we will support you. Continue to be a voice of violence and we will continue as Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged us to, to continue to teach, continue to act, and continue to preach until the very fiber of this state and this nation are shaken."

Lenore Yarger, of Silk Hope Catholic Workers'Community in Chatham County, said she had just returned from Iraq where she met many who feared for their and their families'lives in the rain of bombs they feel in now all but inevitable. Yarger visited Iraq with a nine-person delegation sponsored by Voices in the Wilderness. She said her group, which included family members of September 11 victims opposed to war in Iraq, met with Iraqi's who had lost family members in the horrific wholesale bombing of first Persian Gulf War in 1991.

"We visited a civilian bomb shelter the United Stated bombed during Gulf War in which everyone inside had been killed on February 13,1991"Yarger said. The first bomb blew a hole in the ceiling and the second bomb went through the ceiling and incinerated everyone inside.""Where will people go,"she asked, "if they can't go to a civilian bomb shelter?"

While the protest and die-in action continued outside, a group of members met with a member of Edwards'staff inside the building and shared their reasons for opposing a war in Iraq. One woman shared her view that, "If we first strike against Iraq we will be a rogue nation. We will not have any moral authority in the world."

The group asked Edwards'staff person how many people had called and written letters and e-mails to the senator in opposition to war in Iraq and how many, if any, had done so in favor of a war on Iraq. The staffer denied knowing but promised to contact them with the information.

Federal Marshals closed Senator Edwards'office in late afternoon in response to protests. North Carolinians for Alternatives to War spokesperson, Wendy Michiner said protesters had done nothing to warrant the move and asserted, "If we are living in a democracy it is not okay for our elected officials not to be open for business during business hours."

Marshals, however, did not arrest those participating in the die-in action on the steps of the federal building and demonstrators eventually left without incident. Activists however said they felt they got their point across and showed strength in numbers in the state's capital and that they will be back with louder voices and in greater numbers if the rush to war continues.

25/01/03 Germany

500 people take part in a blockade of NATO airbase Geilenkirchen, home of AWACS planes

27/01/03 USA, Denver
20 arrested in Denver anti-war protest

150 march, 19 arrested for trespassing

By Dave Curtin Denver Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - Nineteen war protesters ranging in ages 17 to 79 were arrested for trespassing in downtown Denver on Monday after blocking entrances to an oil services company for which Dick Cheney was chief executive before becoming vice president.

The arrests culminated a 14-block march of 150 protesters chanting "No war for oil" from the Auraria college campus down the 16th Street Mall to the Halliburton Co., 410 17th St., one of the world's largest providers of oil field services.

The rally came on the day chief weapons inspector Hans Blix reported to the United Nations Security Council that Iraq has failed to account for banned weapons programs.

It also occurred on the eve of President Bush's State of the Union address tonight.

"I'm pretty sure George Bush will find a way to go forward with the war despite what the inspection team and the U.N. come up with," said 79-year-old Ken Seaman, who was arrested, searched and handcuffed by Denver SWAT officers before being escorted to a patrol wagon.

Seaman was one of eight people to stage a sit-in at the south entrance of the office tower that houses 100 Halliburton employees, subsidiaries and some defense contractors.

Eleven others were arrested for blocking the east entrance as protesters chanted, "This is what democracy looks like." Four of those 11 also faced interference charges.

The event attracted 30 Denver police officers.

"I served in World War II and I'm proud of it," Seaman said. "But ever since then we've been involved with war or conflict that I'm not proud of. I'm sick in my heart over this."

There were no injuries, though brief fisticuffs broke out during the eastward march down the mall.

Rally organizers, including the Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace, said they chose to protest Halliburton as a symbol of industries that will reap the benefits of war with Iraq. Cheney was CEO of the Houston-based company for five years.

"Halliburton is one of the major oil service companies that stands to reap some of the earliest and very large profits from a capture of the Iraqi oil fields by the United States," said protester Richard Andrews of the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center in Boulder, one of the rally sponsors.

A Halliburton spokeswoman said the company is an unfair target for protesters.

"The potential for war is so highly speculative right now, and whether or not there is a war with Iraq or any other country is not something that Halliburton would play a part in deciding," said Halliburton spokeswoman Zelma Branch.

Those arrested and other participants went through eight hours of peaceful-protest training Sunday.

Earlier, a rally attended by an estimated 300 people on the Auraria campus was the second in two months organized by student coalition Anti-War Auraria.

A rally at the University of Colorado-Boulder on Wednesday will be the second in two months on that campus.


27/01/03 USA, New York
17 Arrested as Anti-War Activists Protest at U.N.

Published on Monday, January 27, 2003 by Reuters

NEW YORK - Seventeen people were arrested on Monday during an anti-war protest outside the United Nations, where chief arms inspector Hans Blix was addressing the U.N. Security Council about the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

At its peak, there were between 200 and 300 people at the hour-long protest across the street from U.N. headquarters in midtown Manhattan, police said.

The group chanted slogans and held up signs reading: "Let the Inspectors Work" and "No to Bush's Oil War."

The 17 people placed under arrest faced charges of disorderly conduct, police said.

Speaking at a news conference following the hour-long protest, Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a New York-based non-profit legal group, urged the United States not to go to war against Iraq.

"This war is about oil and the domination of oil in the Middle East. This war will lead us to being less safe, not more safe. This will lead to more terror from others who hate what we are about to do," he said.

Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington said the protest was a way to say "no to war."

"The U.S. is looking for political cover for a war that has nothing to do with disarmament. It's for oil and for empire, expansion of the U.S. empire," she said.

27/01/03 UK
Rainbow Warrior blockades UK military port

by Saint Mon, Jan 27 2003, 12:31pm

The Rainbow Warrior has sailed into Marchwood Military Port in Southampton this morning in protest against the possible war in Iraq. Three volunteer climbers have boarded the vessel Magdelana Green that is shipping military hardware to the Gulf, and the Rainbow Warrior has dropped anchor to block the ships exit.

Greenpeace flag ship, the Rainbow Warrior, today entered Marchwood Military port in Southampton and blocked the departure of UK military supply vessels heading for the Iraqi conflict in the Gulf. The Rainbow Warrior, along with a flotilla of small inflatable boats, occupied the port by dropping anchor and blocking the exit, while Greenpeace climbers attached themselves to the Rainbow Warrior's anchor chains to stop the ship being moved. Supply ships have been loading day and night with helicopters, tank transporters, trucks and other military hardware.

The non-violent direct action by Greenpeace is part of the global campaign to prevent a military attack on Iraq that would kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and increase the chances of weapons of mass destruction being used.

related link: Source:

29/01/03 Ireland, Shannon
Peace activists disarms US plane

Arrest of Peace activist Mary Kelly at Shannon Airport

Mary Kelly, the peace activist who last year risked her life to bring medical care to Palestinians trapped and under siege in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, was arrested early this morning at Shannon airport.

Gardai are investigating damage to a US Navy C 40 Boeing 737 aircraft from the 59th Fleet Logistics Squadron.

31/01/03 Germany, Berlin:
Ministry of Defence blocked

Pressestelle Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht, Zwangsdienste und Militär
Kopenhagener Str. 71 - 10437 Berlin - Tel: 030/4401300 - Fax: 030/44013029

Erfolgreiche Sitzblockade vor dem Verteidigungsministerium

Heute Vormittag hat die "Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht, Zwangsdienste und Militär" gemeinsam mit der Kampagne "resist" das Verteidigungsministerium in Berlin erfolgreich mit ca. 100 Demonstranten für eine Stunde blockiert und dem Verteidigungsministerium eine Resolution übergeben. Die Aktion richtete sich gegen das JEIN der Bundesregierung zu einem Irakkrieg.

Die Bundesregierung und damit das Verteidigungsministerium unterstützen den geplanten Krieg im Irak. Anlaß für die Aktion boten die Aussagen von Regierungsmitgliedern, daß den US-Streitkräften Überflugrechte, Transitrechte und Truppenaufwuchsmöglichkeiten in Deutschland gewährt wurden und werden. Deutsche Soldaten sind in der Kriegsregion stationiert (Fuchs-Spürpanzer in Kuwait, Marineeinheiten in Dschibuti und Kenia). Mehrere tausend Bundeswehrsoldaten wurden zur Bewachung von US-Einrichtungen abkommandiert und setzten dadurch US-Streikräfte für den Krieg frei. Med Evac, das neue Sanitätsflugzeug der Bundeswehr, wird zum Abtransport und zur Erstversorgung von verwundeten Kombattanten bereitgestellt. Bundeswehrpersonal fliegt in Awacs-Flugzeugen zur Luftaufklärung und möglicherweise zur Zielerkennung mit.

Die Veranstalter erklärten, daß diese Aktion nur der Auftakt für weitere gewaltfreie Aktionen im Rahmen der Resistkampagne ist. Im Falle eines Krieges mit deutscher Beteiligung wird die Friedensbewegung ihre Protestmaßnahmen und den Zivilen Ungehorsam ausbauen. Zusätzlich werden weitere Protestmaßnahmen vor den amerikanischen Militäreinrichtungen geplant und umgesetzt.


01/02/03 Germany, Grafenwöhr
38 arrested after entering military exercise ground

Festnahmen bei Demonstration gegen Irak-Krieg
Friedlicher Protest - Giftgasunfall auf Truppenübungsplatz Grafenwöhr?

AUERBACH -- Das "Bürgerforum Umwelt und Truppenübungsplatz e. V."hat sich am Samstag an einer Demonstration der Friedensinitiative "resist"gegen die Angriffspläne der USA auf den Irak beteiligt. Damit wollten sie ihrer Forderung nach einem Stopp der Ausbaupläne für den Truppenübungsplatz Nachdruck verleihen.

Im Vorfeld dieser Aktion kündigte "resist"einen "Go In"in den Truppenübungsplatz an. Zu diesem Zweck trafen sich die Aktivisten schon etwa zwei Stunden vor Beginn der Kundgebung im Schützenheim Nitzlbuch, um "Bezugsgruppen"zu bilden und zusammen mit dem Bürgerforum den Ablauf der Demonstration zu besprechen.

"resist"-Pressesprecher Christoph Bautz klärte die Beteiligten über die rechtliche Situation auf. Seiner Ansicht nach stellt das Betreten des Truppenübungsplatzes keinen Hausfriedensbruch dar, wie von der Polizei angedroht, sondern eine Ordnungswidrigkeit.

Ohne Gewalt

Man verständigte sich darauf, gewaltfrei und ohne Provokation nach Ablauf der regulären Demonstration den Weg auf die Schießbahn nahe Bernreuth zu gehen, um symbolisch Bilder von Kindern niederzulegen, die während des Irak-Kriegs 1991 verletzt worden waren Die Aktion sollte nach 15 Minuten beendet werden.

Gegen 14 Uhr versammelten sich rund 200 Kriegsgegner jeden Alters, um an der Eröffnungskundgebung vor dem Schützenheim teilzunehmen. Christoph Bautz wies noch einmal auf die Ziele der Bewegung hin und wiederholte seinen Aufruf, Widerstand gegen einen Krieg in der Golfregion zu leisten. Vor allem forderte er die Bundesregierung auf, auch nach den Landtagswahlen in Hessen und Niedersachsen ihr klares Nein gegen den Krieg im UN-Sicherheitsrat zu vertreten und Worten auch Taten folgen zu lassen.

Der Verbleib von Fuchspanzern in Kuwait, der Marineflotte am Horn von Afrika sowie eine Beteiligung von deutschen Soldaten in AWACS-Aufklärungsflugzeugen seien unter den gegebenen Umständen mit dem Grundgesetz nicht vereinbar. Es handle sich eindeutig um einen Angriffskrieg, an dem sich laut Gesetz kein Deutscher beteiligen dürfe.

Zivilkräfte angezeigt

Aus diesem Grund wurden auch die deutschen Zivil-Angestellten des NATO-Stützpunktes von Mitgliedern des Bürgerforums angezeigt. Der Fall wurde nach Angaben des Forums bereits dem Generalbundesanwalt übergeben. Danach setzte sich der Protestzug Richtung Schießbahn in Bewegung. Mit Transparenten, Spruchbändern und Trommeln machten die Demonstranten auf sich aufmerksam. Die Abschlusskundgebung fand auf einer frei zugänglichen Panzerstraße vor dem Sperrgelände des Übungsplatzes statt.

Drehscheibe für die US-Armee

Josef Geyer vom Bürgerforum mahnte die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, sich von den Amerikanern nicht einschüchtern zu lassen. Der Truppenübungsplatz soll zur Drehscheibe für internationale Einsätze ausgebaut und 3500 Soldaten und 5000 Angehörige neu angesiedelt werden.

Jeder Soldat mehr bedeute mehr Schießlärm und Umweltbelastung, das verkrafte die Region nicht. "Wenn die Amerikaner mehr üben müssen, dann sollen sie das auch in Amerika tun und uns hier nicht aus dem Schlaf reißen", forderte Geyer die US-Streitkräfte auf.

Die Folgen der Trinkwasserverseuchung durch Munitionsrückstände seien sowieso erst in der Zukunft abzusehen. Außerdem erzählte er von Gerüchten über einen Giftgasunfall innerhalb des Übungsgeländes. An der Beseitigung der dadurch entstandenen Schäden werde noch immer mit Hochdruck gearbeitet, die Bevölkerung aber nicht informiert. Das könne nicht sein.

Abschließend forderte er die USA auf, die Aktivitäten auf dem Truppenübungsplatz auf ein verträgliches Maß zu reduzieren und auf einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit der Natur zu achten.

Eine Rüge sprach er auch Richtung bayerischer Staatsregierung aus. Sie könne sich nicht hinter die Genehmigung für den Ausbau stellen, denn ihr seien schon seit über 20 Jahren die Gefährdungen bekannt.

"Freundschaft aufkündigen"

"Wenn hier weitergeschossen und ausgebaut wird, kündigen wir die freundschaftliche Beziehung zu den Amerikanern auf, dann kann es auch für die Zivilamerikaner etwas frostiger werden", warnte er. Nach der Ansprache beendete Versammlungsleiter Hartmut Kahl von der "resist"Kampagne den offiziellen Teil der Kundgebung. Vereinzelt machten sich Teilnehmer auf den Heimweg, doch der Großteil verharrte in der Kälte, um am "Go In"teilzunehmen. Etwa 40 der rund 120 verbliebenen Demonstranten machten sich mit den Bildern der irakischen Kinder auf den Weg Richtung Schießbahn.

Aktivisten festgenommen

Dort angekommen, waren sie alsbald umringt von Beamten des Bundesgrenzschutzes, die aus dem Truppenübungsplatz gefahren kamen. Unter lautstarkem Protest der vor dem Tor gebliebenen Demonstranten wurden sie von den Grenzschützern wegen Verdachts auf Hausfriedensbruch festgenommen. Nachdem die Personalien aufgenommen wurden, ließ die Polizei die Demonstranten allerdings wieder frei. Vertreter beider Organisationen zogen ein positives Fazit über Verlauf und Erfolg der Aktion, die insgesamt sehr friedlich verlief. OLIVER WINKELMAIER

Quelle: Nürnberger Nachrichten, 3.2.2003

03/02/03 Ireland, Shannon
Pit Stop Ploughshares

Nonviolently Resisting U.S. Military Flights, Troop and Munition Deployments through Shannon Airport, Clare, Ireland

In the early hours of Monday 03 February, five members of the pacifist Catholic Worker movement cut their way into Shannon Airport (see The peace activists poured human blood on the runway that has been servicing U.S. military flights, troop and munition deployments to U.S. military bases in Kuwait and Qatar. They constructed a shrine on the runway to Iraqi children killed and threatened by U.S./British bombardment and sanctions. The shrine consisted of copies of the Bible and Quran, rosary and muslim prayer beads, flowers, photographs of Iraqi children and Brigid's crosses. They then began to take up the runway, working on its edge with a mallet.

The activists approached the hanger housing the US Navy plane under repair. They painted "Pit stop of death" on the hanger's roller door, and began the dismantling of the hanger. Others entered the hanger to disarm the repaired US warplane.

The five activists were arrested by Gardai. They refuse to co-operate with bail conditions, have initiated a fast for peace and a call for mass nonviolent resistance to Irish complicity in the forthcoming war on Iraq. They are likely to be moved to Limerick Prison.

The Catholic Worker movement, founded by Dorothy Day in New York City in 1933, consists of small faith-based communities serving the homeless and nonviolently resisting war preparations (see

Ploughshares acts of nonviolent disarmament were initiated by radical priests Fr. Philip and Daniel Berrigan in the U.S. in the 1980s. These nonviolent actions have addressed nuclear and conventional weapon systems by enfleshing the prophesy of Isaiah Ch. 2. Some activists have been acquitted of all charges, others have received prison sentences of up to 18 years.


09/02/03 Netherlands, Volkel
Volkel hammered

"In the early hours of Sunday, 9 February, a public demilitarisation took place at the military air base Vokel, Netherlands. A 32 year old women, from the Peace Action Camp Vokel demolished the communication system of a US communication bunker. According to eye witnesses she spend half an hour hammering on the satellite disk and cutting the cables before she could throw it on the ground. The woman was arrested."

Translation from Indymedia For more info try phoning 00 31 413 27 57 23 (engaged a lot... unsurprisingly)

15/02/03 Australia, Sydney
Reclaim the Streets at army barracks

On Saturday the 15th of February, a large and lively protest was held by Reclaim The Streets at the Army Barracks on Oxford Street, Paddington. Starting at the War Memorial in Hyde Park, about 600 people dressed in their military fatigues and other army-styled gear were farewelled by Prime Minister John Howard, Sherif Bush and a bullet-holed Justice with scales holding oil cans and mutilated babies. A weapon of Mass Debase-ion was among the protestors' hardware.

The anti-war parade took Oxford Street outside the army barracks and danced and had fun whilst hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars was unnecessarily spent policing the event.

At about 5pm, the party came to a close and the protestors took to Belmore Park where they relaxed and had a laugh

[ images 1 2 ].Image Library

16/02/03 Belgium, Antwerp
Peace activists block US military transport

From 20h50 onwards, a group of peace activists, supported by the Forum for Peace Action (Forum voor Vredesactie), blocked a train with US military equipment in Antwerp harbour. This train is part of US military transports towards the Persian Gulf and Turkey, which get shipped in Antwerp. With this action the peace activists want to resist the upcoming war against Iraq and the silent support given to the US military build-up by the Belgian government.

Since january military equipment from US troops based in Germany is shipped in Antwerp on a massive scale. The past week more than 5000 US soldiers based in Germany got their deployment order for the Persian Gulf. Another 2000 soldiers from Engineer Brigades are sent to Turkey to prepare the arrival of other troops. Part of their material gets shipped in Antwerp. These transports will continue till March, according to the US V Corps.

With this action the activists want to resist the upcoming war against Iraq and the silent support given to the US military build-up by the Belgian government. The Belgian government hides itself behind secret NATO-agreements and sticks to the position that these are standard transports. These massive transports stand in sharp contrast with the Belgian position in NATO and raises questions about its value. The Belgian position can be praised but seems only to be a political position without any consequence for the US military build-up, since the US can continue to use all Belgian logistical facilities. In practice the US gains the same result and the Belgian government stays a silent partner.

Which opinion one has about NATO, it is clear that the US uses NATO for its own unilateral intervention policy. Membership of NATO means in practice the logistical support of unilateral US military policy. The Belgian governmant makes the choice to let this happen, she can also make another choice. Press contact: +32-(0)479/68 24 43

20/02/03 Britain, RAF Brize Norton
Activists lay down on runway

Runway Protest Puts Break On The War Machine

4 anti-war activists have occupied the runway of RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire in an attempt to stop the UK supporting US aggression against Iraq. They have already prevented planes from landing.

Brize Norton is the RAF's main transport centre, and today 360 British troops are due to be flown out to join the UK contingent of the war effort. By using their bodies to prevent transport aircraft taking off the activists are hoping to send a clear signal to the people of Britain that the war can be stopped.

"Almost 2 million people marched through London last weekend but still we are gearing up for this insane war," said one of the spokespeople for the group.

"The government has made it clear it isn't going to stop the war. Now it comes down to the people of Britain. We're calling on everyone opposed to this war to get up and act to prevent it. The lives of countless innocent Iraqis depends on our action!

"War is not the answer. We cannot bomb our way to peace! The UK has no place supporting this mindless conflict. We have seen no evidence that Iraq poses a real threat. We have seen no weapons of mass destruction. We are expected to blindly tow the line of politicians who have told us a series of untruths and half truths to promote their own political agendas. There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has committed terrible atrocities, but unleashing such terrible destruction on the people of Iraq will not change that fact. We have heard much talk of evil but surely one evil act does not justify another?".

21/02/03 Italy, Monselice
Activists block US army train

A train carrying US military equipment left Vicenza and headed for Camp Derby (US base)...200 activists blocked the Monselice station. The train was stoped for two hours and then began to move in the other direction...But the stations at Grisignano di Zocco and Padua-Campo Marte are blocked as well!

The train is now being followed by activists and blockades are being prepared to stop it whatever way it goes.

More info at

21/02/03 USA, San Francisco
Activists Shut down SF Military Recruitment Center!

by Bridges Friday February 21, 2003 at 12:03 PM

Nine bay area activists have locked down in front of the SF Military Recruitment Center in downtown San Francisco on Broadway and Davis. One activist has locked down to the doors of the building and 8 others are locked to him, effectively blocking entrance to the building. Police are at the scene and are talking to the activists right now who are critical of the military's role in seeking out and enlisting American youth in the increasing campaign to invade the Middle East.

22/02/03 Germany, Frankfurt
Rhein-Main airbase blockaded

After a demonstration to US Rheim-Main airbase in Frankfurt with 10,000 participants, some 2,000 activists blocked the main gate of the airbase for several hours.


22/02/03 Germany, Mannheim
100 activists block US barracks

100 activists block the US Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim for a couple of hours. The Spinelli Barracks are an important base for sending US troops and supplies to the Gulf.

More info (German)

23/02/03 Britain, Oxfordshire
RAF Fairford weapons inspection

by Y R Kutta 5:53pm Sun Feb 23 '03 (Modified on 12:34am Wed Feb 26 '03)

The mainstream press are reporting numbers at around 400-450 so expect the real numbers to be higher...500+ would be a more accurate estimate. NB- all mainstream coverage so far contain NO comments from protestors + seem to show the typical police confrontations which often desseminated in order to justify oppressive police practices.

It appears that there has been TEN arrests, 7 for aggravated tresspass, 2 criminal damage and one for theft. The past demos has seen the MOD police & those drafted in from nearby, apply a 'softly, softly' approach towards the protestors and have released the majority of them without any charges - it appears this approach is no longer in place.

The polices statements which they're releasing to the mainstream press state "The vast majority of these people were well behaved and conducted a peaceful protest. "However there were a small minority who were intent on gaining access to the base." The tone of is this is a typical divide and rule tactic designed to split the percieved 'bad' protestors from the 'good' protestors, but non violent direct action against the relentless march of an aggressive US/UK war machine is not only justified but has the support of the majority of the UK as last weeks protests saw.

Heres a report form the London Anarchist youth

Today's protest at Fairford resulted in around 400 people attempting to charge into the base after the main gate was torn down by an anarchist black bloc. 30-40 then sprinted off into the base through holes cut in the permiter fence while riot cops were mobilised to push people back out of the main entrance which took about 40 mins before it was cleared. Clashes and fights between the Police "Just Doing Their Job" Guardians of The War Machine and protestors continued throughout the afternoon as they fought to keep determined anti-war protestors out of the base. Around the back of the base later on in the afternoon a wooden fence was torn down where protestors again attempted to enter the base.

A number of arrests were made.


see also and to find out more about Oxford Students Stop the War see Reference at indymedia website:

24/02/03 Germany, Geilenkirchen
Blockade of NATO base

Early at 6:30 in the morning activists start to block the gate of NATO airbase Geilenkirchen. On the same day the movement of AWACS surveillance planes from Geilenkirchen to Turkey was about to begin.

25/02/03 Netherlands, Capelle an den Ijssel
Activists block the Military Traffic Managment Command

Activists block the Military Traffic Managment Command in Capelle aan den Ijssel Pictures:

25/02/03 Netherlands, Schiphol
Airport protest

Activists staged a protest at Schiphol airport in protest against the role of Schiphol airport in supporting US transports to the Gulf. Pictures:
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