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8 -11 September: Disarm DSEi

Defence Systems Equipment International (DSEi) – the world’s largest arms fair – takes place in East London between 8 and 11 September 2009. At DSEi 2007, there were 1352 exhibitors from 40 different countries with a total of 26,5000 visitors.
DISARM DSEi are calling for people to join together to unstick these institutions, expose the devastation they cause, and hold them to account for their actions.

For further information:

International Confe­rence, Ahmedabad, India, January 2010: "Nonviolent Livelihood Struggle and Global Militarism: Links & Strategies.

War Resisters' Interna­tio­nal is cooperating with Indian partner organisations for an international conferen­ce investigating the links between local nonviolent livelihood struggles and global militarism, including war profiteering. This parti­cipatory conference will bring together campaigners from all over the world to analyse the role of states and multinational corpora­tions in depriving local com­munities of their sources of livelihood, and learning from the experience of nonviolent resistance at various levels – from the community to the global – and at various phases, from preventing displacement to planning for return.

On a broad level, the conference aims to raise awareness both of the range of threats that global mili­tarism poses to local com­mu­nities and of the possi­bilities for nonviolent resistan­ce. 
On the international level, the conference aims to be a meeting place for those defending commu­nities against globalised forces and those working against various elements of global militarism.

The conference will take place at Gujarat Vidyapith (University), which was founded by Mohandas Gandhi in 1920. It is co-organised by War Resisters' International, Gujarat Sarvo­daya Mandal, and Sampoor­na Kranti Vidyalaya ('Institu­te for Total Revolution').
Conference will last from 22-25 January 2010, followed by a WRI Business and Council Meeting on 27-29 January. For more information on the conference go to ( or contact the WRI office at:

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