Ideas and plans for self-organised workshops during the conference


This page is for ideas/plans for self-organised workshops during the conference "Globalising Nonviolence". It is a good idea to try to place your workshop in one of the days, if you think it fits. Otherwise, the Triennial Committee will try to do so.

Title of Workshop

Contact name/email

proposed day

description of workshop

facilities needed

Post-war peacebuilding operations: an abused concept

Howard Clark, Jill Sternberg?

Day 2: Militarism and Globalisation

Islam, Islamism and the peace movement

Gernot Lennert

Day 2

Political Islam or Islamism has become a factor in world politics and is involved in some of the major conflicts. Is there a clash of civilisations replacing the East-West Conflict as the major global conflict? From a pacifist perspective, does Islam pose more problems than other religions? Why has WRI membership spread to all major regions of the world but not to Islamic countries (except Turkey)? How can WRI reach out to Islamic countries? Non-violent and libertarian movements in Islam. Women and Islam. Resource persons: Gernot Lennert, Gunnar Schedel, Heike Fischer, Lou Marin. Languages: English and German?

flipchart, overhead projector

Riders for Peace

Angela Kemper

Day 2

Riders for Peace In this workshop the group "Riders for Peace" will present itself and its activities. Once a year we go for a political ride in various parts of Germany. In the towns and villages passed on the way we carry out a variety of imaginative actions concerning the subject of peace. Here the horses play an important role in winning the affection of the people. After the theoretical and practical presentation of our work, all participants will be engaged in a creative workshop. The aim is to find and produce symbols from various materials and create something that may be used in the work for peace at home. The workshop will take place outside if the weather is fine.

Lebenslaute – musicians for peace

Gerd Buentzly

Day 2

"Lebenslaute" ist eine Gruppe gewaltfreier Aktivisten, die bereits seit 20 Jahren existiert. Mit Hilfe von Videos wird die Aktionsmethode beschrieben und werden Eindrücke von früheren Aktionen vermittelt: gegen Militär- und Atomanlagen, für das Bleiberecht von Flüchtlingen, in diesem Jahr gegen Agro-Gentechnologie... Language: German.


Armament and Social Welfare

Joachim Schramm

Day 2

Weltweit wird wieder aufgerüstet, werden immense Geldbeträge für Waffen und Soldaten ausgegeben. 2003 erreichten die Rüstungsausgaben die Höhe von 956 Milliarden US-Dollar! Steigerungen ergeben sich vor allem durch eine Zunahme von Rüstungsprojekten in den Industriestaaten. Doch auch arme Länder rüsten auf und verwenden z.T. fast 25% ihres Bruttosozialprodukts für Rüstung. Dieser Verschwendung von Geld und Ressourcen stehen der neoliberale Abbau von staatlichen sozialen Leistungen auf der einen Seite und bei den Industriestaaten die Nichterfüllung von Entwicklungshilfezielen auf der anderen Seite gegenüber. Der Workshop will diese Entwicklung aufzeigen und diskutieren sowie Aktionsbeispiele zur Thematik darstellen. Language: German

flipchart, overhead projector

Women WG

Casha Davis?

Day 3: Learning from Globalisation from Below

Nonviolent strategic planning for globalization from below groups

Stellan Vinthagen?

Day 4: For a nonviolent strategic framework

Alliance-building – accepting diversity while maintaining nonviolence


Day 4: For a nonviolent strategic framework

Commonwealth People's Forum

Gernot Lennert

Day 3 (not at the same time as Africa WG)

Participation of WRI and WRI affiliates from Commonwealth countries in the Commonwealth People’s Forum in Uganda 2007 (and in Trinidad 2009) The workshop is to address primarily WRI members from Commonwealth countries, from Zimbabwe and from WRI’s Africa Working Group. My proposal: I suggest that WRI and/or WRI members participate in the Commonwealth People’s Forum in Uganda in 2007 (and in the Commonwealth People’s Forum in Trinidad 2009) in order to - present WRI and to spread its ideas - establish and intensify contacts with activists and NGOs from 53 countries, in case of the 2007 meeting especially with people from Uganda and Commonwealth Africa (including Zimbabwe), in case of the 2009 meeting especially with people from the Commonwealth Caribbean. Workshop language: English

flipchart, overhead projector


Howard Clark,; Adriana Castano Roman?

Europe without Army?

Kai-Uwe Dosch,, Rene Burget,

Day 4?

This workshop will inform about the militarization of EUrope. We will present the EUropean constitution, armament agency, intervention troops and battle groups as well as international ‘operations’ as steps towards militarization. We can discuss resistance against nuclear weapons, arms trade or security policy as steps towards demilitarization. We want to focus on the regional between the global and national level as field of both military and pacifist activities. Our intention and proposal is a ‘structured cooperation’ or exchange between european pacifist organisations (WRI affiliates?) and an multilingual e-mail-list.

Humour & Nonviolence

Majken Sorensen

Day 2

In this workshop we will share our experiences and ideas about how humour can be part of a nonviolent campaign, but also consider humour as a serious issue: Humour gives people a good time, but can it change political opinions? Does humour help us overcome apathy and fear of oppression? What is it that makes humour different, and how can we use it in the best way? Can humour backfire, so that a group that uses humour is not taken seriously? language: English

Facilities: Pens and big paper/board

Research and Action

Stellan Vinthagen

Open Source for the movement

Andreas Speck,


Indymedia and other websites related to the movement for globalisation from below use open source software. Open source, though not necessarily anti-capitalist, is based on principles of international co-operation of volunteers programming a piece of software, and making this freely available, with the source code of the software open to the public. For movement activists, it is a contradiction to use proprietary software (even when using pirate copies), and at the same time campaigning against the very same multinationals, such as Microsoft. The workshop will look at the question of "What is open source"?, and how it can be used by activists in an empowering way, to replace commercial products. Contributions by participants are welcome. Andreas Speck works in the office of WRI, where we use an increasing number of open source software, and Linux based computers (though not exclusively). This includes Slackware Linux, OpenOffice, Scribus, Gimp, among other open source products.

Lawless world ?

Holger Schmidt

Day 4

The workshop starts with an overview of the history of the International Law. Then we speak about the present competition between the institutional bodies that have jurisdiction over international crimes.On the one hand there are the ad-hoc-tribunals, established by the United Nations Security Council resolutions and on the other hand the hybrid tribunals, composed of national as well as international staff, which presently operate in different forms all over the world.It will be shown how these different institutions work and especially how they relate to each other. The workshop gives an account of the Pinochet- and similar cases and of the creation of the international Criminal Court. Finally we ask for the relationship of the International Law and the german law and the relationship between the pacifist movement and the International Law. Languages: german and english


Sri Lanka and Nonviolent Peaceforce

Stephan Brües

Day 4, perhaps 3

In the workshop I want to present the work of the Nonviolent Peaceforce; they made their pilot project in Sri Lanka and will begin their work in Mindanao, Colombia and perhaps in Uganda, there are also contacts with Moldavia, Israel/Palestine, etc.; NP sends peace workers into conflict regions to help local groups in work for non-violent conflict resolution; In November I was in Sri Lanka as international observer of the presidential election, since then I am writing about NP and Sri Lanka and doing lectures;I think that WRI should cooperate with NP in their non-violent work, as each has contacts to various peace groups all over the world.I have prepared a lecture of 30-40 min. in English and discussion could be done in English, German or Spanish. Note: during the WRI-meeting an exhibition about NP will be shown

Beamer, if possible laptop (not necessarily), microphone

Nonviolent resistance to nuclear power and weapons


Day 2

Situation of research re. history and present day nonviolent movement

Wolfgang Hertle

Day 4

aim of the workshop: exchange among movement researchers, archivists and peaceactivists re. their occupation with the history of the nonviolent movement, the WRI and its sections. There are people at this conference who have been participating in actions and campaigns for decades with a researching interest. Others have worked with these experiences as researchers and teachers. - We will gather and exchange information, e.g.: who are the researchers and in which institutions, who are working on these issues; where to find Archivmaterial. What is the situation of research in different countries? Are there bibliographies and documentations? - We hope that this exchange and cooperation will continue after the conference. What can wie arrange and agree in this direction? Further meetings, a mailing-list, for those too, who are interested, but can not participate in this conference.

"International presence/accompaniment - a nonviolence method in armed conflicts"

Kerstin Bergeå, Martin Smedjeback, SweFOR

Day ?

The workshop will present accompaniment/international presence; a historical overview and how it is used today. A case study on accompaniment/international presence in Israel/Palestine is made to show how the method is used today in a particular context. The participants try out how it can be to work with the method by using Hassle lines. A group exercise on the ABC-triangle and International presence/accompaniment is made to analyse the method and for everyone to have inputs on the method’s pros and cons. Language: English

"Nonviolence for everyone? – Moving towards proactive resistance"

Gabriella Engell-Nielsen & Klaus Engell-Nielsen, SweFOR

Day ?

Nonviolent communication according to M Rosenberg

Heike Laschinski; Bärbel Mätzold-Kirstein

Day 2 + 3 + 4

“Wars are tragic impressions of unmet needs” So Marshall Rosenberg says: “Changing the world that means: The love to live we are feeling in us to bring it out into the world”, because we know: Peace starts in our hearts. How can we find a way out of our thinking in terms of winner and looser, competition, prejudices and enemy images? The way of non-violent communication leads us back again to our empathic nature and to our lost language, in which it is authentic to do good to each other. In this workshop we will focus on your individual experiences e.g.: In resistance, demonstrations, bargaining between different groups. Introductionary session:

       Communication that blocks empathy
       Four steps of non-violent communication
       With which ears do I listen to?
       Four possibilities to act   

Workshop language will be German, hopefully there will be an interpretation.

3 flipcharts

Export Credit Agencies and arms exports and debts

Mich Crols and Marijn Peperkamp

Day 3

Avoiding Military Service as a Political Movement

Sergeiy Sandler

Day 4

Draft evasion and other forms of avoiding military service (even where there is no conscription) are rarely viewed as a movement at all, and in many cases are ignored by organisations focusing on conscientious objection and by the broader movement. This workshop will try to explore the possibilities of viewing this phenomenon as a movement, as a political movement, and as a political movement with a vast potential for fostering social change.

Making injustice backfire

Brian Martin

Day 2

When there is a massacre, police beating, censorship or some other injustice, it is predictable that those responsible will use five methods to reduce outrage: cover-up, devaluation, reinterpretation, official channels and intimidation. By understanding these tactics, activists can be prepared to counter them. A blatant injustice is an opportunity to cause mobilisation against the perpetrators. Language: English

laptop and projector (beamer)

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions in the Age of Globalisation

Dorothy Naor

Day 3 or 4

The workshop will consider the similarities and differences between the terms ‘boycott, divestment, sanctions’ (bds), emphasize their non-violent nature, and will furnish a brief historical background of given instances in which such means were used to pressure governments, and how they contributed to getting results. The focus will be on possible uses of these means to pressuring Israel to end the Occupation of Palestinians and their lands.

Trainings for Non-Violent Social Change, Exchange about Approaches and Networking

(Gudrun Knittel)

Day 4

What kind of approaches are appropriate for enhancing nonviolent resistance and the development of democratic structures? Key issues are: self-organisation and basis democracy, consensus, power, rank, diversity, conflict, leadership, authority and (informal) hierarchy. What are the advantages and draw backs in trainings with readymade exercises: So it works, we have what you need!? And on the other hand trainings, where the participants look for ways and solutions together? In the workshop there will be an exchange of experiences and networking informations like for example the international trainers meeting with groups from Belgrade, Izmir, Moskow and Cologne in april 06.

Africa WG

(Matt Meyer, Jan van Criekinge)

not same day as women

This workshop will begin with selected reports on current topics in African peacemaking, resistance to compulsory armed service, and nonviolence. We will then have a chance for a dialogue on the challenges in building awareness of African resistance movements within WRI, and awareness of the work and resources of WRI within Africa. The workshop will conclude with concrete suggestions for the future direction of the WRI Africa Working Group.

War tax resisters

Gertie Brammer

Day 2+3+4 ?

The modern form of consciencious objection is called Military Tax Resistance. Ten countries work together on this subject. They have a NGO called CPTI (Conscience and Peace Tax International), which has advisory status at the UNO. What do they want? > They are advocating for a legal regulation according to which nobody can be forced, against his/her will, to finance the military through payment of taxes and rates. Instead, the spending of these payments must be guaranteeds for civil purposes. Subject of the workshop: - Why do we want this (legitimation and history) ?- How can we reach it ?- What can you do ?

Flipchart with paper and pens Place at the walls to hang up the papers from the flipchart and two big banners

Peace movement publications


East Timor

Simo Hellsten

Day 3

In the end of 90's East Timor was a major issue for many in the peace movement. In the beginning of East Timor's independence it was famed to be the showcase of the UN's success.

  • ET has gone through a very good internal truth and reconsiliation process, but did the Timorese ever get justice?
  • What went wrong when in the spring of 2006 the newborn country nearly fell into civil war?
  • Where is the East Timorese oil flowing to?

And of course

  • What can we do about it?

DVD-player + TV needed (a 13" laptop already available)

WRI and Asia?

Simo Hellsten

Day 4

Some WRI-affiliates have special focus for some Asian regions or countries and there are some member organisations as well. It might be a good time to look whether it makes sense to use WRI as a tool for networking for some of the work in Asia - or on the other hand other Asia-related networks and projects to supply WRI-network information about militarism/antimilitarism etc. in countries where there are no members.

  • What kind of projects and cooperation WRI and affiliates have in Asia?
  • Do WRI member organisations have networkig within the region?
  • Would it make sense to start an Asia working group?

(also: coming up Asia Europe People's Forum in Helsinki at the same time with IPB triennial)

Experiences in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

(Katja and Paul Rehm, Annerose Schulz)

Day 4

What might you expect to experience traveling or living in Palestine/Israel? Annerose Schulz, Katja and Paul Rehm will discuss personal experiences with Palestinians and Israelis in the West Bank in 2005 and 2006. Annerose has travelled extensively and independently in Palestine/Israel, Katja and Paul travelled with Every Church a Peace Church and Paul served with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron. In addition to first hand reports, we''ll review some of the many groups and programs that afford you the opportunity to travel in Palestine/Israel and meet with Israelis and Palestinians working for peace and reconciliation in the midst of often violent conflict. Come and talk with us.

Nonviolence needs Anarchism! Where and Why.

(Lou Marin)

Day 3 or 4

Four examples in this workshop will show the necessitiy of thinking anarchism and nonviolence together: 1) Within strategies of nonviolent direct action there is a profound neglection of spontaneous upheavals without arms or very low-level-violence. Mass movements like the successful french students movement against CPE in march this year show the strength of spontaneous nonviolent mass campaigns (f.e. slogans like: „Etudiants nonviolents“). The concept of revolt by Albert Camus will be presented here to show a different vision of the course of social movements like the one based on many nonviolent training concepts. 2) The concept of „national pacifism“ adopted by the WRI during the beginning of the nineties by the group „Slovenia without army“ was one of WRI’s failures. The concept was just a trigger for state-building. Former activist Janez Jansa soon became defence minister and conducted an army. The slovenian war of freedom served as role model for the other Ex-Yugoslav nations in their warfare and state-building. With an anarchist approach this desaster could have been forseen. 3) Today in Eastern Europe concepts of nonviolent direct massaction are integrated in Western European or US-interest strategies in order to topple dictatorial governments and replace them by governments of even the same dictatorial quality that will serve the strategic interests of western states, especially oil-interests, which is why Azeri-dicatorship at Baku is out of question. By these strategies the military powers try to avoid expensive wars like in Iraq, but to have the same results. Some „professional“ activists in Eastern Europe take their money and serve these interests instead of taking contact to WRI. Why? 4) Within the war-troubled region of Israel and Palestine there occured youth groups like the nonviolent „Anarchists Against the Wall“ and gave examples of common nonviolent direct actions of Israeli acitivists within the palestine resistance of villages like Bilin against the building of the Wall. A Film (DVD on CD) will show their approach.

Videobeamer conducted by a notebook or computer

Faslane 365

(Angie Zelter)

Day 3

25 min dvd ‚The Big Blockade’ starts this workshop off. Exploration and discussion exploring Faslane 365 – a sustained, nonviolent blockade of the UKs Trident nuclear weapons base starting on Oct 1st. Linking ‚realeal security’ issues and going beyond the peace movement to link diverse networks in civil disobedience for many months........invitation to join in.


Militarismo y Antimilitarismo en Chile y Cono Sur

Pelao Carvallo

Militarism and antimilitarism in Chile and the Southern Cone of Latin America

"Seguridad Ciudadana": cotidianeidad neoliberal del neomilitarismo.

Pelao Carvallo

Citizen Security: the neoliberal daily life of neomilitarism

"Between war and peace in DR Congo: challenges for the peace movement"

(Jan Van Criekinge, Emanuel Matondo (?), participants from the Great Lakes region (?))

not the same day as Africa WG

"The war that caused the death of 4 million people since 1996 in the greatest country of Central Africa is still not over. On 30 July there will be elections under supervision of the UN, but the plundering of the country is going on and war criminals are members of the transitional government or/and are candidates at the elections. The UN mission in the DRC, MONUC, is the most expensive UN operation ever, but what will be the result? Even the EU is sending troops (under German command). The civil society, that was very active and used nonviolence as a strategy in the ninthies, is now also demanding the formation of a 'national army that can defend republican values' as a solution for stability in the future. What are the challenges and possibilities for a nonviolent and antimilitarist approach?

nonviolence in sudan

light aganwa

Neocolonialist Military Intervention Policy of EU and NATO in Africa

Tobias Pflüger MEP

day 3

Seit Anfang Juli sind EU-Truppen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo stationiert, offiziell zur Absicherung der Wahlen am 30. Juli, aber längst ist klar, dass es um mehr bei diesem Einsatz geht: Absicherung von Rohstoffquellen und Handelswegen. Der bereits in Erwägung gezogene EU-Militäreinsatz im Sudan, dann gemeinsam mit der NATO, ist prototypisch für künftige Einsätze der neu geschaffenen schnellen europäischen Eingreiftruppen, den sogenannten Battlegroups. Denn die Stabilisierung so genannter fehlgeschlagener Staaten, die von neoliberaler Politik in Armut und Konflikte gestürzt wurden, ist essentiell, um Handelsinteressen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent zu wahren. Der Vorsitzende des EU-Militärkomitees Gustav Hägglund bezeichnet das so: "Ausufernde Unruhen und eine Regierung, die ihren eigenen Staat nicht im Griff hat, sind Gift für profitablen Handel." Der Workshop mit dem Europaabgeordneten Tobias Pflüger (Vorstandsmitglied der Informationsstelle Militarisierung/IMI e.V.) soll die Interessenspolitik der EU und NATO auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent anhand einiger Beispiele beleuchten. Language: German

Israel/Palestine in film

Dorothy Naor


The screening of several short feature films presenting various (better known and less known) aspects of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.

A beamer.

Narmada Struggle

Daniel Mazagaonkar

Day 3 or 4

1. Introductory remark: how I came closer to this struggle, my brief background 2. Some details about the whole issue of Dam basic facts- genesis. 3. What happened in March 06 and what are the signals that are received by campaign people after the Delhi fast and various steps govt. took. 4. What is the way for all the peaceful/non-violent struggles, when all the democratic options/openings are tapped and the result is zero. My assessment, thoughts.

Nonviolent campaigns to stop the war In Iraq

Patricia Adams


A dialogue concerning the incorporation of strategic nonviolence, including NV direct action and civil resistance, into the current campaign to end the US-led military occupation of Iraq and reflections on the current status of nonviolence within the anti-militarism movement in Europe. Focus on: 1. Global Call Iraq Campaign, a worldwide campaign calling for nonviolent civil resistance on specific, coordinated dates throughout 2006 to end the US led occupation of Iraq, and 2. Declaration of Peace, the US based Nonviolent Direct Action campaign with escalating dates and action throughout the rest of 2006, which is gaining momentum and has brought together the vast majority of groups opposed to the Iraq war.

  • With Global Call Coordinating Team member Patricia Adams, who has been promoting the Global Call Campaign in international venues, including the World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, and a recent 3 month European tour which began at the European Social Forum in Athens and has included stops in Italy, Spain, Ireland, N. Ireland, England, France, and now Germany.

Feel free to add to the list.


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