Contra la militarización de la juventud


Use this for stories related to the militarisation of youth


Our Countering the Militarisation of Youth programme identifies and challenges the many ways in which young people around the world are encouraged to accept the military and military values as normal, and worthy of their uncritical support. Militarisation is a process that goes far beyond overt recruitment. It includes the presence and influence of the armed forces in education, public military events such as parades and military-themed video games.

As part of our programme, we bring together a network of activists already working on countering youth militarisation in their own settings, and encourage more people to take action on these issues. Our activities with this aim include:

In August 2014 we launched a website specifically on the topic of youth militarisation. It's a place where you can add your own resources - to share documentation on how young people come into contact with the military, and how to challenge the militarisation of young people around the world. Find it here:

International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth

In June 2013, we supported groups and individuals who took action as part of the first ever International Day of Action for Military-Free Education and Research, followed in 25 - 31 October 2014 by the first week of action for Military-Free Education and Research. Since 2015, WRI has been organising the International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth with the participation of various groups from across the world via their autonomous actions and events. See the reports from 2015 here, and from 2016 here.

Sowing Seeds: The Militarisation of Youth and How to Counter

Following our international conference on Countering the Militarisation of Youth in Darmstadt, Germany, in June 2012, we published a book based on themes explored at the conference: Sowing Seeds: The Militarisation of Youth and How to Counter. It is available to purchase here in English, and available to read for free here.

Gender and Countering Youth Militarisation

In 2017, thanks to the support of the Network for Social Change, we have started a new project, Gender and Countering Youth Militarisation. As part of this project, we are going to organise a number of trainings with grassroots activists from across different countries, focusing on the role of gender in our campaigns against youth militarisation. The project will also include an online resource to be out in 2018, inquiring these issues further with contributions by activists and experts in the field.


A las once y media de la mañana de hoy miércoles 12 de mayo, una docena de personas accedieron al lugar donde se celebra la Feria Juvenil de Empleo “Educ@emplea”, que como cada año tiene lugar en el recinto de la Institución Ferial Alicantina (IFA) de Torrellano. Ante la atónita mirada de los miles de jóvenes y profesores presentes, y ataviados con batas blancas y mascarillas, procedieron a rodear el stand en el que el ejército español se hace a sí mismo propaganda y se ofrece como siniestra salida laboral para jóvenes que terminan sus estudios.

Decisión de la secretaría general del GEW (Sindicato de la Enseñanza alemán) del 5- 6 de marzo de 2010

En los últimos años, el ejército alemán ha redoblado esfuerzos para aumentar su influencia en las escuelas. Ha organizado exhibiciones de armas y jornadas de información militar en patios y gimnasios escolares.

Los acuerdos de cooperación con algunos Gobiernos regionales (Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Baden-Wurttemberg, el Sarre, Renania-Palatinado, etc.) refuerzan esta ofensiva de las fuerzas armadas.

Este manual se centra en la organización de un movimiento de resistencia de soldados, y esto requiere comprender de qué forma los veteranos reciben el impacto directo de la guerra y el militarismo. Los organizadores civiles deben tomar conciencia de ello para crear relaciones y organizarse con efectividad dentro de la comunidad militar. A continuación exploramos experiencias de veteranos con el ejército.

Cultura y estructura militares

editorial de Ariel Attack, apareció originalmente en el blog Queers Against Obama, 9 de marzo, 2009. Se han realizado algunas modificaciones.
Extraído de: Bash Back Denver: Be one of those queers you've heard about: undermine the army's ability to fight! Queer Counter-Recruitment, mayo 2009


Observaciones finales

Reclutamiento voluntario

12. El Comité observa que, de conformidad con la declaración del Estado parte en virtud del artículo 3 al ratificar el Protocolo facultativo, la edad mínima para el reclutamiento voluntario es 16 años y lamenta que el Estado parte haya señalado que no tiene intención de cambiarla.

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