Dominican Republic

The Ibero-American Convention on Young People's Rights, which entered into force on 1 March 2008, explicitly recognises the right to conscientious objection. Article 12 of the Convention reads: "Young people have the right to form a conscientious objection against compulsory military service." It also includes a commitment of states to create legal instruments to safeguard this right, and to progressively end compulsory military service.

26 April 2001


21. The Committee takes note of the fact that the law makes no provision for the status of conscientious objector to military service, which may legitimately be claimed under article 18 of the Covenant.

The State party should ensure that persons liable for military service may claim the status of conscientious objector and perform alternative service without discrimination.


Dominican Republic

Placheolder image
30/04/1998 1 Conscription

Conscription is enshrined in sect. II art. 9(b) of the Constitution, which states: "Every able-bodied Dominican citizen shall perform such civilian and military service as may be required by the country to ensure its defence and preservation." [1]

It is not clear if conscription is actually enforced.

The government stated in 1989 that it does not consider military service to be among the duties of its citizens. [2]

Several other sources also state that there is no conscription.

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