Webinar - Movement in dialogue: Climate Justice and Antimilitarism

A poster with details of the webinar. It features a military helicopter flying away from a very large plume of smoke and fire.

As part of the Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice, we will be running a webinar called Movement in dialogue: Climate Justice and Antimilitarism.

📅 Date: Wednesday 25th September
🕛 Time: 12:00-13:30 UTC
💻 On Zoom, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iJU3WSN0QXKyT-dvtsRADg

In this webinar we will draw on the thinking and experiences of activists from around the world to explore the question: what is the relationship between militarism and the climate crisis, and how can our movements better reflect this?

As the climate crisis continues to impact communities around the world, billions of dollars are pumped into armies and militarised institutions. The systems and structures that have driven and profited from the climate crisis rely on violence and militarism to extract resources and protect their interests. At the same time, militaries are drawing on increasingly dystopian framings of a climate-changed world to justify their existence. How are we to make sense of these complex, challenging times?

Together we will make a case for an interweaving of concerns and struggles, of understanding climate justice through an antimilitarist lens, and recognise that calls for climate justice and antimilitarist resistance are part of the same push for a fairer, more generous, nonviolent future.

Confirmed speakers:

Camila Rodríguez, Colombia

Muysca woman, mother, anti-militarist and defender of nature, territories and territorial rights. Master in Socio-Environmental Studies."Because the defense and care of territories is the defense of life and nature in all its forms".

Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Philipinnes

Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a full-time climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines. She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines, and is on the steering committee of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Youth Climate Justice Fund. She is also an organizer with FFF International and FFF MAPA (Most Affected Peoples and Areas) making sure that voices from the Global South are heard, amplified, and given space. A strong voice on anti-imperialism, anti-colonization, and the intersectionality of the climate crisis, she is committed to systemic change and collectively building a world that prioritizes people and the planet, through organizing, global solidarity, and collective action.

Quique Sánchez Ochoa, Spain

Quique Sánchez Ochoa holds a bachelor in Political Science and a master’s degree in International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies. His career, activism and research are dedicated to peacebuilding and social and environmental justice. He works as a project manager in Centre Delàs of Peace Studies in Barcelona, and is active in campaigns related to military spending, nuclear weapons and climate and militarism.

Anuradha M Chenoy, India

Anuradha Chenoy is an Adjunct Professor of Jindal Global University (Haryana) and Associate Fellow of the Transnational Institute (The Netherlands). She writes regularly on international politics.

Nico Edwards, Sweden/UK

Nico Edwards is a doctoral researcher at the University of Sussex, UK, conducting a PhD project on “green militarism” and eco-social (in)justice, for which she won the 2024 Adam Weiler Research Impact Award. Nico also works as a social movement communicator and coordinator, having collaborated with myriad organisations across Europe, North and Latin America. She is an Advisor to Scientists for Global Responsibility, Associated Researcher with the World Peace Foundation and an Expert with Forum on the Arms Trade.


Please note that one of our speakers will present in Spanish. We will be joined by an interpreter who will simultaneously interpret into English (and into Spanish when others are speaking English). To access the interpretation once you have joined the webinar, please:

  1. Click Interpretation  in your meeting/webinar controls on the bottom bar. 
  2. Click the language that you would like to hear (i.e. choose English if you want to hear the English speakers, and interpretation into English).
  3. (Optional) To hear the interpreted language only, click Mute Original Audio.
Translated by
Natalia García (ES)

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