Webinar: Conscientious Objection in times of War: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

The webinar series “Conscientious objection to military service in times of war” continues with a new session focusing on the war in Ukraine.
The webinar on 3rd March (2pm Geneva, 3pm Kyiv, 4pm Moscow) will host campaigners of conscientious objection from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Interpretation will be provided in English, Spanish, and French.
Register here.
How can we support conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine?
The war in Ukraine has raged for a year now, and there is little hope that it will end soon. The death toll and the destruction rise daily. Russia is unwilling to end its attack and withdraw, and is pumping more and more troops into Ukraine. There is an ongoing risk of Belarus’ active involvement in the war. Meanwhile, the Western countries support Ukraine in its defence by continuing to send more and more heavy weapons. Calls for negotiations and cease-fires remain unheard.
Conscientious objectors refusing to take part in this war is our hope for peace. Since the beginning of the war, we have witnessed hundreds of thousands of people on all sides fleeing their countries and refusing to participate in this war.
Our support for conscientious objectors and deserters is vital for peace! On March 3rd, we will hear from campaigners for peace from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine about the situation of conscientious objectors in their countries and how we can support them.
In this webinar, we will hear from
- Elena Popova (Movement of Conscientious Objectors, Russia)
- Olga Karatch (Our House, Belarus)
- Yurii Sheliazhenko (Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, Ukraine)
Date and Time
3rd March, Friday, 2pm Geneva, 3pm Kyiv, 4pm Moscow,
This event is free however registration is required.
Please use the link here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvf--rqjgsGNfK0uxmb_Yl9JYsRpNqviI0
This is an event organised by International Fellowship of Reconciliation and War Resisters’ International in collaboration with Connection e.V. and is taking place on the occasion of the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
We are looking forward to meeting you on March 3rd!
Stay up to date with our international antimilitarist activism.
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