International Conscientious Objection Day: Call for actions from 8 to 21 May 2023

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Protection and asylum for all those from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who refuse military service

Action week around the International Conscientious Objection Day

War is a crime against humanity. We condemn Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, which is contrary to international law and has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries and millions of refugees. Those who are sent to the front by their governments are particularly affected.

Many people from Russia and Belarus, but also from Ukraine, that are threatened with military service are trying to avoid it: They do not want to kill other people and they do not want to die in this war. Soldiers at the front want to lay down their weapons in the face of the horror. They are all threatened by their governments with repression and prison sentences, in Belarus even up to the death penalty. Note that conscientious objection is an internationally recognised human right!

  • We demand from the governments of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine: Stop the persecution of conscientious objectors and deserters immediately!
  • We demand from the EU and the government: Open the borders! Protect conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and give them asylum.

Call for actions on this International Conscientious Objection Day

This year during the week of International Conscientious Objection Day (15th May), we call everyone to organise rallies and demonstrations in front of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian government institutions as well as EU representations, vigils in front of deserter monuments and many other creative actions in different places.

We emphasise: Conscientious objection is a human right!

#ObjectWarCampaign #StandWithObjectors

Initiated by act for transformation; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden (AGDF); Arbeitskreis Asyl Tribsees; Armin T. Wegner Gesellschaft e.V.; Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto, Finland; BOCS Civilization Planning Foundation, Ungarn; Church and Peace - Ecumenical Peace Church Network in Europe; Connection e.V.; Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK); European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO); Ev. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden (EAK); Federation of Social Defense; Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V., Friedensbüro Salzburg, Austria; graswurzelrevolution; Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat; Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (IDK); International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Germany; International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR); Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie e.V.; Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb e.V.; Movement of Conscientious Objectors, Russia; Nash Dom, Belarus; NaturFreunde Deutschlands; Netzwerk Friedenskooperative; pax christi – German Section; Pro Asyl; Ukraine Pacifist Movement; Vicdani Ret İzleme, Turkey; War Resisters‘ International (WRI). 

Translated by
Natalia García (ES)
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